
Is it possible there is more than one universe?

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Is it possible there is more than one universe?




  1. Some people believe so. There could even be two of you ! This was even way back when Lost In Space was on TV.

  2. The possibility exists.

  3. YES

    It may be possible.

  4. No.


    Uni in Greek means one. So if there's one verse, there is not a second.

  5. May be it relates to the Distance and size.Planet to planet distance is dwarfed compare to star to star distance...same way, universe to universe....some where...

  6. yes and there is very good evidence to back this up. you can prove the existence of other universes by using the twin paradox theory. suppose u travel back in time using a wormhole 100 years back. There u see ur great grandfather and ur great grandmother. Now if u kill them they would not have had ur grandfather and therefore u wouldnt exist. So u go back to ur own time and see that u exist and more importantly ur great grandfather wasnt killed by anyone and died a normal death. Same thing could happen if u travel in the future. Now we can say that in a parallel universe u dont exist. scientists today believe that these parallel universes exist in the 11th dimension. These are called membranes and is one of the main principles of string theory.

  7. Yes.  The first reference is a good place to start learning about the many ideas on the subject.  One set of ideas, like the 'many worlds' view of quantum mechanics, isn't exactly more than one universe.

    We have no sure way of knowing whether there is another universe (with its own spacetime) besides our own, or if it's even possible.

    The whole field of superstring and M-brane theory is in its infancy.  It's absorbing the lion's share of physics research funding.  See the second and third references for respectable scientific skepticism about whether this is a good idea.  But perhaps some day it will be able to answer some of these questions, or perhaps show us why it is impossible.  We probably have at least a few decades to wait.

  8. You mean an event in space-time emanating from a big bang?  I don't know why there couldn't be another universe.   I wonder what would happen if two universes collided? I am unsure how we would ever know about such other universes.  

  9. With God, all things are possible.  Our finite minds do not have the capacity to explore in entirety what that first sentence means.  

  10. yes,

    here is a little something about it

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