
Is it possible this place is haunted?

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Well I've worked at this fast food place for over a year and sometimes some strange things happen. I'll name what I remember:

-Cups falling to the floor by themselves with no wind or anything to push it down.

-Felt someone tug on my shirt only to turn around and find no one there.

-Felt someone touch my shoulder with a single finger. twice i think this happened.

-A couple times I could've sworn I seen someone in the corner of my eye with no one really there.

-Door seems to unlock itself. My brother stayed late one night, he was by himself and he said he knew for sure he locked both front doors then he heard a noise up front so he went and checked and 1 of the doors was unlocked.




  1. I'm going to give you advice instead of answering your question.

    Get another job!

    If you don't survive, finding out won't make any d**n difference!

    To tell you how sure I am, I'd give you big odds you work at a Taco Bell.

  2. I think your workplace is haunted not by ghosts but by demonic spirits. First of all ghosts do not exist but demons do, but they pretend to be ghost so they can trick and deceive people to dabble in the occult. My advice can only be therefore not to communicate with it at all. This is because demons are very very dangerous creatures and won't hesitate to destroy people.

    Do you know that there is a demonic spirit of suicide that encourages people to kill them self? This might be the reason why two employees has killed themself.

    My advice would be to find another job elsewhere. Even when you ask a pastor to bless a particular place sometimes that doesn't help because the demon takes that particular place to be there territory.

  3. Sure it's possible, but I think there may be a simpler explanation.

  4. TR gives a very good explanation.

    However it is possible it is haunted. Rule out all normal  situations first.

    I have worked in similar places and I can tell you that cups falling and the other things you experience can have a very normal and natural explanation.


  5. Perhaps it is haunted. But it's far more likely that you're missing the natural explanations for what you think you've observed. It doesn't take much for a paper cup to fall off a shelf, and drafts or vibrations may occur which you don't sense yourself. You may momentarily catch your shirt tail on something to cause a "tug", and simple muscle spasms explain the shoulder touch. Everybody sees illusions out of the corners of their eyes, where their acuity for sensing shapes and color is bad but sensing motion and light intensity is high. An employee or customer was in the bathroom that your brother didn't know about who unlocked the door and slipped out. It's an unfortunate fact that suicides are all too common, and you might find that a surprising number of places or people can be connected to a suicide by no more than couples degrees of separation. The loud banging can be caused by the plumbing. A faulty urinal is extremely common and almost any public bathroom you go to there is probably at least one urinal not working right. The feeling of being watched is simply you spooking yourself with the power of suggestion.

    My advice it to make an effort to be more observant and to investigate and see if you can find the reasons for anything "spooky" you might see.

  6. It is possible the place is haunted.  But I don't think you are in any danger, he/she/they just may be trying to get attention.

    Get a cheap voice recorder and keep it with you,  the next time you are alone there and you start hearing noises or something happens, turn on the recorder.  Don't talk into it, hold it out and start asking questions.  be careful what you ask.  Never ask them to show them selves.  A good question to ask is for their name and what they want.  They may not know they are dead so don't mention that.  Like I said I really don't think you are in any danger.  I have been dealing with a mean ghost for over a year now.  I think they just want you to know they are there.

  7. There are a lot of reasonable explanations behind those, none of them paranormal.

  8. There is a possibility that the location is haunted, but in order to say that, you have to rule out the natural.  The plumbing(pipes) obviously have a problem and they can be great sources for unexplained noises.

    a simple voice recorder set up after hours as well as still photgraphy and maybe a little video might be your best bet.  

    I really hate to end this with a question, but if you do all these things and you feel you have some evidence, what can you do with it?  Will the company you work for allow a team of investigators in ?  If they won't, will you continue to work there?

  9. it is possible, but there could be many thing that could go againt it. check the electro magnetic field levels around wires and outlets, high levels could cause paranoa  and nausea. also ask questions and see if you get any answers. you can also talk to any paranormal team in or around your area, they would help you find relief and answers

  10. Fast food joints have electrical wiring throughout the building. That's a lot of electrical current flowing through the building.

    So in essence, there would be a high EMF reading.

    That would cause the feeling of someone watching you.

    The loud bangs could be the duct work to the heating/air conditioning unit.

    It could also be the plumbing.

    The urinal constantly flushing is probably due to a faulty valve where the urinal handle engages the flushing.

    IE.......flushing valve.

    The doors unlocking?

    Your manager needs to get a locksmith and change the locks.

    With some door locks, there is a rod that drops into the floor about two or three inches that helps keep the doors more stable when they are locked.

    If trash, or muck from a mop, is wedged into that hole that pole will not grasp firm causing the doors to unlock.

    Paper cups falling from a shelf could very well be the vibrations from all the electrical work in the building.

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