
Is it possible to accidentally be born into the wrong family?

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when I was 13, my math teacher adopted me after me telling her about my mom's drug problems and neglecting me and such.....

I recently asked her if she ever tried to have a kid of her own and she said she was pregnant and concieved around February or March when she was 20 (18 years ago) but she had an abortion because she was a student and wouldn't be able to care for the kid... I went to my grandma from my birth family and asked her when my mom conceived when she was pregnant with me and she told me around March or April... and I was born in December of 89....

is it physically possible if the teacher never got the abortion I would've been born as her baby?

the reason why I ask is because I always felt after she adopted me that I was born into the wrong family..... felt her family was the one I rightfully belonged to.....




  1. I think it would make a great story, but I doubt it actually happened. If it did actually happen, that means your adopted mom lied to you about having an abortion. Most women who have had an abortion would lie and say they had a miscarriage and lost the baby, or even say that they gave the baby up for adoption rather than admit to having an abortion.

    You are obviously very grateful to your adopted mom, and you love her very much, but I thinks it's just a happy coincidence that you and the baby she aborted were conceived at about the same time.

    My husband feels the same way you do, but he was never adopted. He is the only one of 4 kids who doesn't have a mental illness, and his mom is borderline retarded. His step dad used to beat him and his sister, and his real dad was abusive to his second wife, but not my husband. He has no idea how he managed to be come out of that type of family and lead a normal life.  

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