
Is it possible to actually die when you dream your own death?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard that you can dream your own death so realistically that your brain actually thinks it's dead, and you never wake up. Is this remotely possible?




  1. i think so. another way you dream your own death is this-

    some people can have their tv on and lets say spongebob is on. they are asleep but they can still hear it. a dream comes on and they can hear it in their sleep and spongebob comes up in the dream saying whatever he is saying on tv. it has happened to me before, so im tellin the truth. or a classic. someones having a dream and a person is saying their name in the dream. they wake up, and its their mom or dad waking them up.

    well i figure if someones saying something to them, or a fire alarm is going on or a burglar is talking to them before he kills them in their sleep. im sure they can very well dream what could be happening while its happening, and die dreaming it.

    and if you dont care about that, then yea im sure it can happen. some people can in their dream take a pee and when they wake up they are wet, whos to say they cant dream about choking or dying and when they wake up, well when they dont wake up, then thats the issue? i say its possible. no one knows the power of the brain, and possibilities are endless.

  2. If you did, we would never know, because you'd be dead.

  3. no..... you silly.....

  4. Your brain can't kill itself. It violates evolution, adaptation, and science. No matter how much you believe you are dead, if your heart is beating, your lungs are breathing, and your brain is buzzing, you my friend are alive.

    Stop watching so much TV.

  5. No.

    Don't be silly.

    You can dream anything, but when you wake up, you'll still be you.

  6. I dunno, but maybe that's what happens in a comma...


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