
Is it possible to apply chokes or joint locks to wild creatures like tigers, bears...etc?

by Guest60648  |  earlier

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chokes as... rear naked choke...triangle choke...

joint locks as....arm bar....kimura....




  1. go pick a fight with a grizzly and let me know how it turns out. k?

  2. go die

  3. Sure, but an eye gouge would likely be more effective.

  4. GO ahead and try that... be sure to let us know!

  5. I've read in news articles that martial arts has been used on attacking animals before.

    In Japan, a man used a Judo throw to thwart a black bear attack. He slammed the bear putting it into shock and it ran away.

    In another story, a jogger was attacked by a cougar. It just so happens that a wrestler was near by and choked the animal until it released the victim.

    Here is the article:

    Judo vs. bear:

    Wrestler vs. cougar,2933,2920...

    So yes, it is very possible that if you are attacked by an animal, martial arts may help save your life....but just like anything else, it may not as well.


    EDIT for Mortimer:

    Keep in mind the original story was written in Japanese.

    Here is another link on Judo vs Bear:

    I'm not arguing with you that it is a smart idea to do a choke on a cougar or clinch with a bear. I'm just saying people in the world have done it and with some success.

    Also, the story noted the woman and a meat cleaver, however, did not state she used it on the animal.

  6. Let me know how that works out for you.

  7. I was actually about this about a mont ago A triangle will not work on an animal that does not have a human type shoulder construction so it may work on monkeys or such animals but they will be hitting you and slamming you around because of their big strength advantage, it may work though and could be combo'd with an arm bar. That also goes with the kimura. The rear naked choke WILL work on anything you can get you arms around it correctly. I was thinking about a knee bar on a bear. The problem with that is you almost grabbing a tree trunk that can bite you. I believe that they have the slightest of possibilities of working. but some times that is all you need. I will stick with what has proven to work and play dead or have a gun. It is a fun thought though.

  8. I dont know... but this is actually a good question. Last night I was watching a show when animals attack. This would be good to know if an animals starts to attack you. I would go around and do it to any animal that you want... but its good to know in certain situations.

  9. Yes absolutely. I don't know why this is even a question. If it has a joint, the joint can be attacked. The great thing about joint attacks is that if you do them correctly they minimize the difference in size and strength between you and your opponent. I wouldn't want to try this with an animal though. For starters it's cruel and depending on what country you're in illegal. I suppose if you're fighting a tiger you're probably not in the US so it might be "ok". But you won't get the chance if you're fighting something like that, you'll be dead too fast.

  10. Yeah i heard awhile back a coyote was attacking this guys grandson and the grandfather ran over and choked it to death.

  11. I have done Martial Arts for over 20 years now and I can tell you that if you want to fight a wild creature like a tiger or bear you had better bring a gun. Tigers and Bears can weigh 500 to 1000lbs and are extremly strong. If you applied a joint lock on them they would be able to easliy pull out of it. Applying a choke may be impossible since thier necks are so large. I used to grapple with a guy who was 400 lbs and I could not even apply a trianle choke with my legs due to his size and I know tigers and bears are much larger. Also they have claws that are like knives and and sharp teeth and  you would bleed to death before you could even apply a choke or lock on them. You have ot equalize in any fight and hand to hand with a wild beast is a death wish.

  12. sure, the only problem is they will still be able to bite you when you try to apply them, so you will most definitely take a severe injury or die in this process,  a broken limb will not stop a wild animal from attacking you.  most bears are two large to get a choke on and tigers are very fast, in order to not be bitten you would have to apply a rear naked from behind them, how you would get behind them is beyond me.

    im sorry but i dont believe that a man threw a bear with a judo throw, that article seems fake and it doesnt even mention what type of throw he used.  and a cougar is only 70 pounds and his wife was also armed with a meat clever and he attacked the cougar as it was attacking another person.  its not like it was one on one.  a bear or a tiger one on one is a completely different story.

  13. it is possible, yes. you can some chokes, as well as joint locks of some type, but animals do not usually respond to pain in the same fashion as people, especially if it was unstable enough to attack you. even if an animal's leg/arm has been broken, it will still be able to use the limb for quite some time before succumbing to the injury. therefore your best bet is not trying to use chokes/joint locks but instead run away

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