
Is it possible to ask a question about Barack Obama, without McCain bashing, or getting reported?

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I don't support either of these candidates.

When I ask a question about McCain, I usually get at least a couple answers, that resemble sanity.

When I ask a question about Obama, all I get is "McSame", "McBush", etc, etc. Then, magically my question disappears a couple minutes later, as this one will, I'm sure.




  1. To answer your question, no it isn't. Obama supporters don't have much to boast about with their guy, so they need to bash McCain.

  2. No.

  3. If you really want to know about Obama, go to his website

  4. NO ONE here corners the market on bullschitt reporting OR redirecting while avoiding the question. I do it, You do it, most everyone does it.

  5. Whats your question? Havent you heard all the names they call OBAMA , or did you miss that part?????????/

  6. What do you want to ask ? He won

  7. I've had at least a half dozen Obama questions get yanked or never appear.

  8. It's possible -- just, apparently, not possible for you.

  9. Yes.  Ask your question. I am ready to answer.

    By the way....

    In my home state, there are only 30 days left to register to vote.  The clock is ticking.

  10. That's because they don't want logic used against their canidate, they want to stiffle free speech, they want to turn the country into socialism, if not communism.  They don't want you to think, they don't want you to be an individual, they think every one else is stupid and need to have choices made for you.

  11. not really,

    everybody has an opinion,

    some same, some diffrent.

  12. Sad, Isn't it.  This is supposed to be a forum where people provide answers, not slogans and rhetoric.  Sadly, it's become an all out firestorm in here.

  13. Yes.

    Now, do you have a REAL question?

  14. I find that people of BOTH parties seem to have a difficult time sticking to the issue and not bashing the other party.  If you were truely unbiased I think you would have noticed this by now.

  15. "magically my question disappears a couple minutes later"

    I hate it when that happens. Please people, if your blood's to close to your skin or your head is to close to your ***, just ignore the question!!!

    I have never once reported a question. Not even the racist ones. Com'on people stop acting like babies. This "i'm gonna tell on you" attitude is not conducive to free thinking.

  16. each of the candidates get the same treatment on here if you ask me.

    both get bashed EQUALLY, and Obama more...

    the words McSame are gentle.

    But some of the stuff they call Obama--why, I can't bring myself to type here.  boo hoo.

    OBAMA/BIDEN '08!

  17. No

  18. Ave Satani

    Ave Versus Christos Obama

  19. Its possible; but, unlikely to ever happen here.

    We have many who are immature and they think they are big shots sitting there with the keyboard and screen in front of them.  They talk at lot of c**p; but, I bet my bottom dollar in reality they are cowards that go sit in the corner and stuck their thumbs.

  20. No. Obama is their God!

  21. One must only look at the Yahoo headlines to understand they are in the bag for Obama just like almost all other media.

  22. i dont think so ........

    i thought id answer before this got

  23. Pretty hard to attack Obama due to him being African American, McCain is white and is open game always has and will be this way for the future.  

  24. I would sincerely hope you could.

    I observe as much bashing of Obama and McCain.

    Worse, I find it amazing how so many of the Obama bashers don't just stop with insulting him, but choose to insult upwards of 50% of America, by calling them zombies, zealots, brainwashed etc.

  25. I don't think you can.  It seems that the Obama supporters thrive on McCain bashing because they are unaware of where their candidate stands on the issues.  

  26. No. Obama can not answer a straight question. He thinks the american flag shows "opression". He said he doesn't have opinions on certain issues, like religion. That's going to be our great president.

  27. No, because YA is on  Obama' side. THey can cancel your account if you dare to say the truth about Obama: He's a fake, a traitor, a muslim in disguise, a racist and an anti-USA politician using our democracy to destroy it from inside.

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