
Is it possible to avoid religion?

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  1. No.

  2. Yes but you shouldn't really avoid it because you can get many more friends in life if you talk about religion.

  3. Yes, but I believe that religion is what keeps us in good shape mentally. Also people do believe in something and trust in it.

  4. Yes. Be an atheist.

  5. Be yourself and don't believe everything you read..

  6. No, It was in our nature to believe and trust in something, and even those people who call themselves atheists are lying.

  7. Yes,if you are a sincere truth seeker.

  8. I seem to do quite well at "water off a ducks backing it" - religion doesn't worry me too much and I don't worry it - when you are in a minority grouping you tend to get pretty expert at transposing - Like g*y people did before g*y literature and films and any understanding - Like those of us with mental health symptoms do when there is a general assumption of normality  or class or whatever  - I don't mind what other people think and feel as long as they don't have expectations of me.  

  9. The less you assume about god the less religious you will be.

  10. Let me know if you find a way.

  11. Yes - My parents decided to let me wait and choose my own religion, and I chose not to choose, and have been very happy without

  12. Yes, sometimes spirituality & religion can be quite different.

  13. I think not because we are reminded of religons every where we go, for example the war in Iraq and Saudi Arabia (not sure if I spelt that right) but apart from the 'oil' issue and trading why else are we fighting there?

    Religious Education is taught in schools, and every where we go, to the shops on busses, trains, school, work we see differant types of people with differant belifes so we are constantly reminded of a ''God'' figure.

    This is coming from a 14 yr  Athiest, whom if this has offended you in any shape or form please most humble apoligies.    

  14. Sure!  I don't hold to any religion.  I think religion is falling through the cracks!  

    All I need is God and I listen and obey Him.

    When it comes down to the nitty-gritty,  He's the guy!  The only one we have to face when He calls us home!

  15. hi. If you would have asked 4 years ago.... i am sure i would say no, but now, for experience i say yes.

    I think in your question religion means way of life, cause if about God, i think it is imposible

  16. In a sense, yes.

  17. is possible but is not good idea we blive in religion cost us nothing if there is not rule and regulation in life then very bad setuation in world if possible i want to avoid government tax is most expencive in my life but i know is not possible.i think religion teach us way of life

  18. to avoid it

    to replace it...yes

  19. Yes! You could avoid it as you could avoid nutrients at your own expense.

  20. Of course, religion is just a way that people were able to make a huge amount of money. If they could get huge crowds in & scare them to give up their money they could have the money....I know some people ignore spirituality & I don't understand that. It is like building a brick wall without the mortar, to me. It is the magic of life. I love my spiirtual life. My son says he doesn't need it but when he is facing something that he doesn't know how to handle he calls me for my spiritual view.

  21. It was not possible for me until the age of 12 or 13 , when I left the Catholic school that I had attended for 8 years . Once I got free I never looked back and I did the right thing , in my opinion .

    For most people, that were indoctrinated from an early age,  avoiding religion is something almost unthinkable, unless they open their minds to different views . Despite this, I think that many Theists live happy lives and that is what matters above all .

  22. It depends where you live. I grew up in an area with very little religion, do not know anyone who is religious, and never have. In that way it is possible to never really come into contact with it. In areas where the community is built around religion, I imagine it would be much more difficult.

    However, awareness of it is important, as it relates to world affairs, world history, and the lives of many millions of people. I don't think it should be avoided in that sense.

  23. Religion persists because it conveys a survival advantage on those who believe.

    The answer is No.  

    There is a story that when the mutually atheistic Hitler & Stalin  were each preparing their Socialist visions of utopia, that Stalin boasted he would do whatever it took to realize the Marxist dream of a society free from Religion.

    To which Hitler replied (though not too Stalin) "What kind of idiot spends his time and energy getting rid of something that makes citizens happy, hard working & obedient?"

    Now it's probably apocryphal, but I do believe Hitler was Machiavellian enough to know the Marxist take on Religion was moronic.  

    Would have been nice if Hitler had figured out the rest of Marxism was c**p too.

  24. avoiding religion is about as likely as avoiding sunlight.

    Avoiding it is not necessary though because 'UNdoctrinating' yourself when you realise the beguilement you have had inflicted upon you is a vast learning experience. religion allowed me to intuit that i would be dealing with undoctrinating myself from many systematic beguilement's. I was ignorant. Now I am well aware I am beholden to being abused by many social and intellectual patterns. and not just aware of errant patterns within society which unnecessarily use humans as resources for their own ends but ticked off with them and looking for quality metaphysics that have the capacity to help all break the unnecessary ones among the chains society has surrounding us.  

    Religion woke me up to something and it wasn't God

    spiritual A-theist

  25. I don't think so. Religion is everywhere. on TV, on billboards, on our money, on the radio, in our politics, and where I live, on just about every other street corner. Even though I'm an atheist, religion is something very hard to avoid, unless you live in a bubble. It's been such a big part of society for such a long time that it's become the social norm and much like second nature to many people. (Though I can't understand how.) So no, I don't think it's possible to avoid religion, at least not in America.

  26. Absolutely not, not in any society that I am aware of.

    Like many of the people who have answered here, religious (and atheist) people all want you to join their club. Like everyone else, they want to be right, and most peoples definition of right lies in other people agreeing with you. In any major city you have people reciting the bible or quoting the qur'an, and in a huge amount of countries people are killing each other over differences in their beliefs.

    People depend upon religion a great deal, to justify their actions, protect themselves, and offer safety in the idea that one day they'll be in heaven.

    So no, it's not possible to avoid religion, unless you abandon society, and even then you already have religious theology in your mind. It's in most of our laws and has shaped many of the morals even non-religious people follow.

    To avoid it is to avoid a huge part of humanity in it's current state. In my personal opinion it is something to be overcome rather than ignored.

  27. It might be possible for a few hermit types to avoid religion directly. But indirectly? No. It affects ethical systems, business practices, legal frameworks, mass mental state, justification for military aggression , economic intervention actions, healthcare decisions etc.

    Imagine a world without religion. Where would are standards of behaviour come from? Would we be humanists? (Their code is changeable - not necessarily a bad thing.) Atheists?

    That's the great thing about philosphical questions - they can often raise more questions!

  28. No.  I was collared on the bus the other night on my way home from work by a Jehovah's Witness.  Bless him, he did his best.  Whether you believe or not, there are churches and other religious buildings everywhere, hymns are used in advertising, people wear symbols of their religion in their jewellery and dress.  You can chose to ignore it, but it is impossible to avoid - unless you are on your own on a desert island!

  29. I live in Belgium and the answer has to be no since there are quite a few Bank Holidays courtesy of the Roman Catholics.

    In my daughter's class next year there will be the ones that do their First Communion so even there there is no escaping.

    Did you know that the Belgian Constitution safeguards freedom of choiche of religion in education?  Not that it worked for me as a child though.  It's the parents that decide :-(

  30. You certainly can't avoid *metaphysics*, and those who claim to (usually from the strongly anti-religious camp) are simply ignoring their metaphysical assumptions.  As for religion -- it depends on your definition of religion.  On some definitions it's whatever drives you, makes your life worth living ("baseball is my religion") and it's probably not possible to avoid that. But it is certainly possible to get through life without a belief in supernatural entities in the sense understood by most mainstream religions.

  31. yes,you choose to follow religion or not

    your family actually does for you in your early years

    and growing up you can either flea from any kind

    of religion what so ever, you can keep the religion you

    grew up knowing and praying with or you can look for

    something new that is more fullfilling for yourself.

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