
Is it possible to balance economic development, sandards of living and caring for the enviroment?

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An detailed explanation on how it could be possible to balance all of the above, while still keeping the earth running smoothly.




  1. Certainly.   Auto companies don't want to build more efficient vehicles because it would cost so much more supposedly.   About 1800 more for a new full sized truck.   The fuel savings would pay for the extra cost within 2-3 years.   Same is  true for efficient light bulbs, appliances, home wireing, airplanes, railroads,....    Everything  would cost more (and create new jobs building the new goods and infrastructure) initially, but money would be saved and environmental damage would be lessened over the long term.

  2. Yes.  I believe it is but to care for the environment does require adjustments to lifestyle.

    My advice is to try and think about how you live and the resources you use.  So in the home become as energy conscious as you can.  It does depend upon where you live but adjust the thermostat, switch off appliances rather then leave them on stand by and so on.

    Recycle what you can.  Compost what you can.

    Shop with one eye of the environment.  Look at the amount of packaging on what you buy.  Avoid buying things that have traveled half way across the world when you can buy them locally produced.  This applies particularly to food - vegetables and fruit.  Cut down on meat.

    Walk or cycle when you can instead of driving.  Share cars when traveling to/from work.

    Think twice before flying or making long trips for leisure.

    Start thinking this way and enjoy life.

  3. yes, it is possible. people must think of ways for maintaining a stable economy while also maintaining the environment. It's important so that business will be able to run in a long run. This could be done by putting some limitations, replenishing the resources used and of course, discipline.

    You could visit this site for more issues about the environment:

  4. its called sustainable living

    Permaculture ,is the star of this concept


    The Permaculture designers manual by Bill Mollison,which cost about 40 dollars.

    and is the best all round book you can get,on Environmental design,.(tagiari publishing,

    It is a collection of sustainable ideas from around the world coupled to present level of knowledge

    ideally suited for those who want to get back to the country and build a self sufficient situation for themselves and the family or a community .

    People plant rather for the quality of life and to feed their families, than for the market ,so the motivation and the manner are totally different from ordinary agriculture .

    Although the basic concept of Permaculture also applies to Organic and sustainable farming,

    Utilizing soil management ,and mulching

    The utilization of space is more concentrated ,thinking in cubic and vertical terms instead or merely horizontal on the plain ,

    Having many principle to follow such as utilizing all resources and following and enhancing energy flows ,

    for example the ditch around the house catches the rain water and leads it through the chicken house where it cleans and picks up the manure to deposit it in the vegetable patch

    Permaculture means permanent agriculture

    a concept put forward by Bill Mollisson in the 60`s

    Which offers practical solutions for energy systems ,infrastructure ,intelligent design in housing,

    animal shelter ,water systems and sustainable agricultural practices.

    With the world and it`s history as it`s source of information.

    From the chinampas of Mexico to the terrace gardens of the the desert wadis or  the steppes of Russia.

    Covering all climatic conditions temporal, dessert, humid and dry tropics.

    with chapters on soil ,Water harvesting and land design,Bio diversity

    Earth working ,Spirals in nature,Trees and water ,utilizing energy flows,

    Strategy for an alternative nation

    And it existed a long time ago with ancient civilizations ,such as the Egyptians ,Babylonians and Olmecas

    Living alongside Nature as a pardner instead of something to be purely exploited,

    and going with the Natural forces instead of against them.

    some relevant answers on Permaculture;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...;...

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