
Is it possible to be Republican or Democrat and not think that the other party sees issues only one way?

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For instance, I've heard many Republicans say about Democrats that we are baby killers. I've never killed a baby! I've been accused of being FOR g*y marriage. I'm not exactly for it; but I'm not against it either. You won't see me marching down the street with a sign that says "Let g*y People Get Married!" But I see no reason why they can't. I'm just an open minded person.




  1. your problem is you are open minded

    you should not be in the politics category

    open mindedness is not allowed

  2. most but not all republicans are dead wrong on most issues

    from Iraq to tax cuts for the rich to health care

  3. Most Americans are just like you. We have opinions, but most of the issues don't affect us directly. If you look at the deeper parts for the argument, you may develop a stronger position. I have strong opinions on many issues, but I think the current context is all out of line.


      I detest abortion, but I don't want a government powerful enough to enforce a full ban & I don't want the Government to pay for it either. If you give money to an abortion agency, I might see that as Baby killing.

      I support the right for people to live in any way that makes them happy, including g*y marriage, but I don't think it requires a special tax status and really I think Government defining ANY marriage is a violation of the establishment clause.

      And on Health Care, this idea that the government can provide Health Care for less than private business currently does is silly. If you save my company $13k a year, than my taxes have to go up at least that much, and more. I don't believe that the government can or should take over 1/8 of the American Economy.

    Nowhere in the Constitution does it say 'separation of Church and State'. What it does say is the State shall not establish a Religion. It is absurd to assume that implies an atheist State. It is a problem when a public school Graduate is banned from the free speech of thanking God. And some support banning all public display, like the Soviets did.

    In each of these issues and others are the basis of Partisan difference in this Country. We have moved away from the common goals and now each of us see a very different America and we can't be both. I am open minded, more so than some of my fellow Republicans, but I cannot sacrifice the heart of that which our Founding Fathers created. Until we see a common vision, this vitriol will persist.  Good Luck!

  4. Politics is politics and people are people.  You have what is called the human condition.  When politicos put someone in a mold it is because they are too obtuse and short-sided to really be in the position of power but unfortunately power corrupts absolutely!

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