
Is it possible to be a female and hate the thought of kissing, having s*x and getting married.?

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I am a pretty old girl..(almost 25 yrs old) and I have never and refused to kiss or have s*x with any just gross me out to a point of throwing up...and getting married is last on my list..marriage is the ending point of your old life and a beginning of a new life.....what if i like my old life..

the reason why i am asking is because my parents want me to get married soon and have fact my father says that it is his dying see his grandchildren..

And i just had a fight with my dumb mother because she says that I am not normal and she wonders if she breast fed me enough because my brain is upside down..(her exact words) i feel sad because my parents value family....but i don't...i won't they accept this.. I am doing something positive in my life and i don't want no one to ruin it for me.... wouldn't make a difference..i would NEVER come closer then 3 feet with a much closeness bothers me and i just don't want to risk it




  1. It sounds like you either are asexual or have problems with intimacy. Don't let your parents guilt you into living a life you don't want.

    One question, though. Why was your last question about how to turn guys on to you?

  2. Are you Martha Stewart?

  3. When it comes to human sexual behaviour, anything is *possible* and most things are perfectly normal, despite the 'ooooh aaaah' factor of  gossip magazines and 'E News'.

    You don't 'owe' your parents a grandchild, and they have no more right than anyone to push you into a relationship you don't want, in order to satisy THEIR needs.

    You really need to stand up for yourself about this.

    An assertiveness training course might help you find a way to tell mum and dad, politely but firmly, to butt OUT of your love life and leave it up to YOU to make the right decision.

    Perhaps you are not yet emotionally and physically ready for a s3xual relationship, perhaps you never will be.

    It may be that in time to come you will meet a guy and something will 'click' and you will feel ready for that kind of relationship, or maybe you never will.

    It's your life and you deserve to live it the way you want.

    It might also help to get some distance from your parents. You don't say how old you are, but it does sound like your parents know WAY too much about your private ife. Stop talking, or change the subject when they bring it up. Or, join a group or activity that gets you away from your parents and enables you to mix with other people in a non-romantic atmosphere, where you can simply make friends and have fun.

    And do NOT let them push you to date guys who may think you are ready for something you're not. It's cruel to the guy and emotionally draining for you.

    Be true to yourself!

    Best wishes and good luck :-)

  4. Sweetheart, it's not strange at all. I'm 38, divorced twice, and hate the thought of getting married and kissing. I just wanna have fun in the sack!

  5. Obviously, it is possible to be female and feel this way. You do, and you are female. It isn't that common but I don't think it's the end of the world. Maybe you just don't have much of a s*x drive. Don't sweat it. You are what you are, and if you don't want to marry or have kids, then don't. If you are concerned, maybe you need to explore your feelings a bit, you know, figure out why too much closeness bothers you and why physical relationships gross you out. Either way, look on the bright side - you don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, or intimate relationships that break apart. That's always a good thing!

    Hey wait a sec - aren't you the same person who's always going on and on about how men want you and you are so s**y and curvy and stuff? Now I'm confused. Don't confuse the blonde!!

  6. You need therapy.

    The whole family needs it.

    My advice is to move FAR FAR away from them.

    Good luck.

  7. According to you, it is.  Live your life as you see fit, even if it does mean you will grow old alone.

  8. Well there are a lot of people in your situation..there called L*****n women. I mean you dont like men and dont want to get married. I see a big lebo sigh right above your head. Congrats!..or Im sorry....well either way good luck wit that.

  9. There's nothing wrong with you not wanting to have s*x or children if that is what you are happy with.  And I don't see how you could ever get married if s*x grosses you out so much.  Most men are very keen to have s*x, and will certainly expect it when they get married - a lot.

    It is sad that your parents are not going to get the grandchildren they long for, but it can't be helped.  I take it you are an only child?  If so then frankly I don't think your parents showed much forethought.  If you are really keen to have grandchildren, then you should have more than one child, the odds of you getting grandchildren increase with every child you have yourself.

  10. sweethart...  i think ur totaly normal...  s*x is way overated....  its only gud for guys... an lousy for us....  an y wud u need to get married anyways...  theres noting a woman realy needs a man for...  an u wud have to put up with a husbend expecting s*x from u all the time...  u sound real smart to me...

  11. You seem to be one of those people who doesn't like intimacy. Maybe you can find someone else who feels the same way.

  12. You are attracted to men only, yet you do not want to kiss or have s*x with them? Maybe you have tricked yourself into thinking you are straight, but secretly you are asexual or a L*****n. I'm not saying you're lying, but it's possible you've actually fooled your own self into thinking you are heterosexual because you want to be.

  13. TRY EVERYTHING ONCE. Even if you're terrified.

    You will regret not getting %%%%%% when you're old and ugly

  14. honey, you aint old. I am twice your age and I still have my mojo, if you know where I am coming from. ;-)

    you may not be normal according to society's standards. but who cares right? you gotta do what makes YOU happy in life. even if it is a bit odd.

  15. Hmmm, I don't know. I'm only 5 yrs younger than you but I desire all those things very much. The whole 9 (kissing, making love, getting married, & having children). Maybe you should see a counselor?

  16. your a l***o

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