
Is it possible to be a feminist if?

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This is a question specifically for self-professed feminists.

I supported the first wave but essentially rejected most of the second wave.

All the parts concerning equity i.e. equal rights and opportunity between men and women I had no problem with. I just took issue with the second wave upon their realisation that perhaps equal rights and opportunity wasn't moving fast enough toward equal outcomes (same number of men and women in high powered positions), essentially equality in its true nature.

The unequal outcomes as far as I could see were fair since there was equal opportunity which is of course the basis of equity (fairness)

So I ask again does it make me an anti-feminist by definition to reject ANY of their policies




  1. No why would it. Feminism is a subjective word that has a different meaning to different individuals

  2. You don't know your 'first wave' from your microwave.  You were born yesterday, and have had no formal education about this.

  3. oh yes....u r anti-feminist...ur explanation itself says that...!!!

  4. they say always yeah men and women are uqual always why do always men pay for dinner then ? haha where is the equality ? lol... is it meninizm ? hahahahh

  5. No?

  6. No. It just makes you anti-whichever claim they were making at the time.

  7. Interesting.  You view feminism as "deal" and you presume to quibble over the details, "rejecting" this and that, having "no problem" with that and this as though you are knocking out an "accord".  lmao.  First of all, most women and men couldn't care less about what anyone "rejects" or has "no problem" with in this matter because only bigots and morons debate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.  And secondly, remember that delusional slant of reality, "The unequal outcomes as far as I could see were fair since there was equal opportunity which is of course the basis of equity (fairness)" when it's time for the old male double-standard gotta-whine-about-something it's all feminists' fault for how much better girls are doing than boys in school these days and in every field of society in which male lock-out was stopped back in that 2nd wave of feminism you "rejected most of", such as Title IX that stopped the male lock-out of women from equal educational access.  Globalization has led rapidly to a global job market in which American males are severely disadvantaged, especially monolingual in a polylingual competitional pool and with math and science scores lowers than Rwanda's and American college graduates unable to pass even the new global job testing protocols for the "janitor's" test, so to say because they are like ignorant of like basic chemistry which other applicants can pass from other nations by 10th grade. I attend many meetings as a consultant and intensive research is being conducted worldwide for who best to hire.  Guess what?  The Big Boys, ever penny conscious, are about to let the boys know any day now that hiring females is like by FAR more profitable for a company.  Even in ways like, as reported here on Yahoo News, the more female members on a board of directors, the more profitable the company is.  I'm making a little fortune right now with a method and educational materials purchased by companies who want to give young American males a "fair" chance in light of these shifting winds by providing remedial "catch-up" mini-courses.  In the global job market, I foresee a severe upcoming lock-out of male job applicants.  And, that lockout isn't coming from hairy legged feminists.  It's coming from the Big Boys making the most of their capital, which they have down these days, thanks to computer science and research methodologies, to an art so sophisticated you would be shocked.  But, all that's just going to be equal opportunity, equity (fairness).

  8. Are you a man if so then,no you're just an annoying male who has no empathy. I believe if you need to, you can buy some empathy at the corner store.

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