
Is it possible to be a "quarter" Irish, Dutch or some other nationality?

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Being half one nationality, and half of another, from birth, is possible. But is being a quarter really justified?




  1. We're all mixed bags..

  2. I'm a quarter back.

  3. If you are interested in your genealogy, it is completely normal to identify your grandparents (4 of those) gr grandparents (8 of them), gr gr grandparents (16)..and so forth.  This is NOT the same as your "nationality".. since nationality refers to a political designation.  Your ancestors can be from Russia.. that does not make you a Russian citizen.  It DOES mean you have Russian lineage and ancestry.

    Many persons have no interest in finding their ancestors. That's their decision.  It's up to you to choose what you define as "justified".  However, it does matter to define your terms regards to nationality.

  4. Yes, you can be- if one of your grandparents is 100% Dutch, than 1/4 of your ancestry is Dutch. You don't have to (and I'm not sure how you would) "justify" it.

    Now, whether you think having 1/4 whatever ancestry is actually significant or not is a personal thing. Personally, half my ancestry is Swedish, but I don't think it's that big a deal, because my family is strongly acculturated and no longer speaks Swedish or has anything other than a few customs from the old country.

    On the other hand, one of my close friends is a first-generation Polish immigrant, and her husband is first-gen Filipino, so their daughter is half Polish and half Filipino. Since her family still speaks their respective languages on each side, and her parents were both raised in another culture, her "half" ancestries will probably be much more important to her than mine are, although genetically/geneologically she's no closer to being 100% Filipino or Polish than I am to being 100% Swedish.

  5. nah its just some stupid thing people say because there brainwashed into believing diversity is the be all and end all. Usually by American teenagers who have never left their country.

  6. That is just basic Mendelian Genetics... draw out a punnet square and put the information in and you can see you most certainly CAN be one-fourth of something or other.,

  7. Well I'm 1/3 Irish, Italian, Scottish. And I'm okay.

  8. it is said that you get your grandparents genes,  which would make me half English, 1/4 czeck and 1/4 slovakian.

    I dont believe it myself lol  i just call myslef a mongrel

  9. Well, if one of your grandparents was full blood something than you would be a quarter of it.  But, especially in America, no one is full blood anything unless they are first generation from a closed country.  For example, Cuba or China, which are mostly closed countries would have only one nationality, otherwise no.  

    For example, my grandfather came from Ireland but the clan name is actually Scottish.  Many Scots went to Ireland to avoid persecution by the British.  So the passport when he came to the US was Irish and the family had lived there several generations but the family was still Scot.

  10. If all 4 grandparents are from different nationalites, then yes (I think?) Yes, because each parent would have two and be half one thing and half another.

  11. Yes why not

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