
Is it possible to be against Abortion and be Pro-Choice?

by Guest55593  |  earlier

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I feel that Abortion is wrong and isn't a choice that I would ever personally make (I have 3 children and had my first at 19 as an unwed mother). However, I would never want to take that choice away from another woman if she feels that is the best choice for her. I think that Adoption is always the better choice. I am also a realist and understand that if Abortion is outlawed, we will go back to days of back alley abortion or women going to other countries to have them. Does this stance mean I am Pro-Choice even though for myself and my Daughters I am Pro-Life?




  1. Yes, it simply means that you believe what a woman chooses to do with her body should be her own decision.  I think there are many who personally would not opt for an abortion but do not believe that we have the right to impose that will on others!

  2. Yes. It means that you are pro-choice. People often (stupidly) equate pro-choice with being pro-abortion. They are two totally different concepts. Most people don't encourage or promote abortion, but like you, feel that women should have the right to choose for themselves, without the government forcing them to have unwanted children. I say you are pro-choice, but your choice was life.

  3. Absolutely. Everyone with working brain cells should have this position. You should be proud, by the way. And thank you for not thinking the government has any say in that matter, and that those women and their physicians shouldn't become criminals.

  4. Of course!

    Noone is seriously 'pro-abortion' - if you think about it, that is absurd.  You have a perfectly acceptable and rational viewpoint.  

  5. I am in the same boat with you. I can never feel comfortable supporting abortion, however I wouldn't dare to tell a woman what to do with her own body.

    I would consider myself anti-abortion but pro-choice. Thats why it is crucial that we take a realistic and pragmatic approach to sexual education. Absurdities like abstinence only education only lead to more abortions.

  6. It's kind of like when McCain says he is against war, but will go to war as a last resort. Is it really a last resort. I think most pro choicers are against abortion, but will have an abortion as a last resort. But, is it really a last resort?

    We must make adoptions easier.

  7. It's important to understand that abortions go on whether legal or not. Before Roe v. Wade, authorities never pulled dead rich women from back alleys. Sadly, it was always the poor that suffered. The affluent had their doctors perform the procedure in the comfort and safety of their medical office.

    I remember before Roe v. Wade when my mother, grandmother, and another woman were at our kitchen table. They had just come back from a funeral of a friend who was a victim of a botched abortion. With tears streaming down my grandmothers face she chokingly said, "It's a d**n shame that we live in a country where dogs receive better treatment than a woman."

    My father drove an ambulance in Washington D.C. He and my mother cried when Roe v. Wade passed as it meant my father and his colleagues wouldn’t have to look at those horrid scenes from botched abortions anymore.

    Back then, the pillars of the community knew who the abortion doctors were. They made sure they were around. Not just to take care of slip ups at home but more importantly, to take care of their little secrets. The local Sheriff was well aware of what was going on. But if he wanted to keep his job and win his next election, he knew he’d better watch his P’s and Q’s. Get it? Meanwhile, the sheriff helped pull injured and dead poor women out from back alleys. It wasn’t right that the poor suffered while the affluent didn’t. That scenario is one of many reasons R v. W passed.

    The problem with contemporary views on abortion is the element of time. People have forgotten or are too young to know what went on before Roe v. Wade. And the GOP isn’t going to remind us either.  Against our best interest, they use the issue to stir our emotions to sucker us for our votes.

    Pro-Choice is Pro-Life

  8. being against abortion is your choice

  9. I believe a woman has had 5 choices, abstinence, condoms, birth control, D&C, and morning after pill.  She has made the wrong choice 5 times, now it's time for the baby to get it's first choice in either a miscarriage or birth.  So no, pro choice is a misnomer, the question is pro life or anti life.

  10. Do you deny these same women the right to ride a motorcycle without a helmet?  Do you deny these same women the right to snort coke?

    Do you deny these same women the the right to be a prostitute?

    All civilized societies put limit es on what one can do to another.   That which is being killed, is a complete, different, life.  Completely different genetic make up.  It is not just part of her, its a new creation.

  11. No.

  12. that's exactly how I feel! pro-choice, I think.

  13. That works good in theory.  But, there are over a million abortions performed in this country alone.  The old mantra, "Keep abortion safe, legal and RARE", is not completely intact.

    Thanks to groups like Planned Parenthood, the volume of adoption is completely eclipsed by the number of abortions.  

  14. That is your personal decision that you have made when you were 19. That just says that other women/ young ladies are open to their own interpretation. Women just don't up and get abortions just because, they take days, weeks, and months to make a decison of that magnitude. Sometimes people make mistakes and in other cases people get raped. It's up to how the women wants to go about it. Evangelicals are trying to force their beliefs into this election process and i don't feel that is right.  

  15. Yes, I think you can be against abortion and Pro-Choice. I am, for the same reasons you stated. What conservatives don't realize is that there's no such thing as being "for abortion." No one wants abortion to happen. As you said, it's a realist thing. I wouldn't want to take that choice away from any other woman and recognize that if I did, worse things would happen to desperate teenage moms. What I wish is that Pro Lifers would funnel more money and energy into ending the root causes of abortion like the teenage dads abandoning responsibility, and programs to financially support teenage moms who can't afford a baby. I also think Safe Surrender laws are wonderful.

  16. Yes. You are pro-choice. I am pro-choice. Life is not black and white. The government shouldn't be telling women what to do. That's up to us as individuals to decide for ourselves. As if it's an easy choice? Please. I hardly think so.

    edit: I've never been pregnant so I have no idea what I would do. I think I would not have an abortion but someone close to me did for a valid reason. It wasn't just because. That's why I say strongly that life is not black and white.

    Can you imagine the problems we would have if abortion was outlawed? Yikes. We have enough children being abused and killed now.

  17. Yes.  You can defend the right for abortion to be a woman's personal choice without deciding to have an abortion as your personal choice.  Republicans demonstrate their logical failings when they claim Pro-Choice means Pro-Abortion.  I don't understand how anyone can trust them with leadership positions.

  18. I concur with your opinion. I do not like the idea of abortion, however, I am not about to deprive a woman of her right to choose. I look at it just as I do with the 1st amendment, I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. I do not see that there is any conflict between being anti-abortion (in my book anti-abortion does NOT mean legislating against the medical procedures as some people are demanding.) and pro-choice just as I see no conflict about a speech you give which disagree with and the 1st amendment giving you the right to speak as you please. Yes, the issues are related, but being for one does not automatically mean you are against the other. This is not Dubya and his stupid "if you are not with us, you are against us" stand on terrorists no matter what the anti-abortion extremists say, who coincidentally are the ones who advocate killing doctors and nurses in a clinic in the name of "saving" the unborn... How can the use of violence, killing people, ever justify their position on "saving" the unborn? Inquiring minds what to know...

  19. Yes.  I would say you are pro-choice.  Even though abortion is not for you, you still believe it should be up to the individual to choose.  Many people who are pro-choice have the same belief as you do.

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