
Is it possible to be autistic and psychotic ?

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Is it possible to have anxiety, depression, high functioning autism possibly aspergers syndrome and be a paranoid psychotic ?




  1. My video on Asperger's might help you

    P.S. vote for my video for best commantary

  2. It is possible to be autistic and have psychotic or other mental health condition, called a comorbid or duel diagnoses.

    It is not unusual to find a high functioning Autistics to suffer from depression, anxiety etc, this is because they are aware of being different to others, or inability to relate others and fit into social activities easily.

    Unfortunately those with low functioning Autism are unable to communicate their thoughts and feelings, and may act out, or a marked increased repetitive behaviours is noticed and or decrease in  their "normal" behavioural patterns, all of which can also be seen as the person being naughty or non compliant (especially in stressful situations). This why its vitally important that their carers note changes, that seem to be out of the "norm" for the client.

  3. Jelen, that's the goofiest thing I ever heard. You don't even know any people with autism, and you spout that nonsense.

    That said, it is possible, though very rare, to have autism and schizophrenia. I know a guy who has both diagnoses. It took many years  to come to that conclusion, because he doesn't speak.


  4. Most individuals with autism do NOT have mental disorders anymore than most neurotypical individuals have mental disorders.  Autism is a disorder now known to have a neurological and anatomical basis (although the cause for the variance remains elusive).  Individuals with autism are BORN that way.

    By contrast, mental disorders, such paranoid psychosis, are conditions that are not thought of as genetically-based but typically induced by trauma.  While both disabilities and mental disease may involve behavioral and social issues, that is usually where the similarity ends.

    Individuals with autism or Asperger's syndrome, which are disabilities, manifest symptoms distinct from mental disorders.  However, like neurotypical individuals they may also experience trauma induced bouts of anxiety, depression, or other mental conditions.  They are people too.

  5. Of course, but I wouldn't get carried away until diagnosed by a professional.

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