
Is it possible to be aware that your having a dream?

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Well yesterday i was having a dream, but i realized that i was having a dream during my sleep.

So i started thinking, and just imagined that i was flying and in my dream i did. It felt so strange, like a tingling sensation all over my body like i was actually flying. It felt so amazing.

Has this every happened to anybody else?




  1. Yes it is possible because I have had them.  I only wish I could do this every night.  I have found that when we are between dreaming and wakening up, you are aware you are dreaming than you can do all kinds of things knowing full well you are dreaming.  I will not share what I was dreaming about because it is kind of, you know, involving a girl.

  2. Well sometimes in a dream i will wish its a dream and sometimes i feel like this can't be real it's wierd

  3. me.. all the time!!!

    but mine are more creepy like im being dragged out of my bed.

    but like i actully feel it.. then i feel like im paralyzed

    and cant wake up or anything

    but then whamooo

    i wake up and im just lying in my bed

  4. Yes.It's called a lucid dream.Happens all the time.If your real good you can control what you dream about because of the lucid dream you are having.

  5. Yes it has, in my dream, I started yelling back at the teacher who was yelling at me because I forgot a project, it made him be quiet, I was like "yes"!

  6. Yeah I can do that a lot. Where i completely control what I'm doing. It's as if I'm consciously awake and can manipulate the environment without physically doing so. It's incredible, bringing about the limits of my imagination.

  7. yes, many people have these types of dreams. they're called "lucid dreams". i don't remember the last time i had one, but they are weird.

    i have had many flying dreams-i LOVE those kind. it makes me wish i could really spread my arms and take off into the sky!!  

  8. This is a dream that you triggered yourself. It is not like you slept thinking about nothing and then you had a dream. This is something you were thinking of prior to sleeping.

  9. yeah ! i do that all the time. like if i'm having a creepy dream, i try to wake up. it's freaky stuff. :D  

  10. yes, its happens to me and then I take advantage of it heh

  11. i have actually looked into this what i did was i went to sleep but in my dream i tried to try to open my eyes i tried for like a month and never could i have a theory about the dreaming cycle.

    Why do you forget your dream or not remember it?

    this is my theory.

    Your dream may realy last only minuits but it does not go into real time. your body doesnot under stand univerisal time. but it can interperet it. makeing you think faster thann you can process so it is all goeing by Fast but in order to interperet it it needs to analyize it. you can remember a dream but i dont see how you could ever visualize something not there eaven with alot of imagination noone could ever be able to SEE it.

    you can test this too.

    Do this in dreams you are in a third person view, unlike in life you are in 1st person, so if you see your self in third person tell your self to wake up. you cant tho becuase the dream has already passes.

    Sorry if this is confusing lol

  12. Yes, its called Lucid dreaming. Check into it. Very cool.

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