
Is it possible to be depressed for no reason?

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I am a 21 year old university student working full time and living at home. For the past 3 days I have been feeling really sad and down for no reason, I feel depressed. The only explanation I can cook up is maybe a subconsciously I am worried about starting at a new school. Is there a type of short term depression? Is this normal?




  1. for me its's not normal bec. your making your own difficulties.

  2. Yes, it happens when depression becomes a habit.

    I think, it is normal in the present day fast life.

  3. anxiety

    or boredom

  4. It may be your anxiety kicking in.

    This is normal especially since you'll be starting at a new school like you said.

  5. Agree with Dylan.

    Most of the time 'feeling depressed for no reason' is caused by boredom. Suddenly your life feels dull, moody, losing your interest etc, but this could be simply overcome by staying active like doing some useful stuff (Cleaning your room, organising your files) or even take a short nap.

    The most effecient method I ever tried is try doing things that you hardly do or never do before. It will directly break your concentration from being depressed. Your mind will straight away focus on doing new things, no time to focus on depression.

  6. Sweetie, I think that you are just fine....You most likely are just experiencing some anxiety about starting school.... That is very normal. And, I also think you may be wondering how you will juggle working full time, home life and a new school every day...Maybe you can cut down on your work hours for a bit while you go through your transition period at school...That may alleviate some stress for you...Also, set your priorities and goals and set about to get there...But always keep in mind to do some nice things for yourself once in a while..Take a day to spend with a friend, or whatever is relaxing for you...Take care of yourself.....Make some new friends at school...ones that have common goals...they will be your best support system, and you can do study groups and work toward your goals together....That is what I did when I went back to school at 35 years old... We all helped each other and supported each other all the way through graduation....Good luck hon...Try not to stress..You are so young and have your whole life ahead of you.. Your are going to be just great...!!!!!!!      .((((HUGS)))))))......Linda

  7. Short term depression is quite normal.   If it goes on for more than 3 weeks continuously then it has become "clinical", which just means that your brain chemistry has changed and it's hard (but not impossible) to break that "groove of depression".   You can go the route of antidepressants which there are many with no side effects and or cognitive (talk) therapy.   Daily outdoor physcial exercise for an hour or more along with food without additives or carbs help enourmously as well.   Either way depression is as common as the common cold in this country and for folks your age.   You can learn ways to avoid the negative thinking trap or avoidance trap which leads to depression.   You will learn to cope better as you get older so just go easy on yourself and laugh at life really is pretty funny.

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