
Is it possible to be hired by the ATF or Criminal Justice entity with prior drug use?

by Guest67093  |  earlier

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It has been at least six years since my friend has smoked marijuana. He has also done ecstacy once 8 years ago. He really wants to change careers and feels he can't because of his past drug history. Is there any chance that the ATF or state police, etc. would consider him for hire knowing this?




  1. Sounds like the friend is you. Why don't you call the recruiting number for ATF and the State Police and ask them this question directly. I'm sure they'll be happy to answer it for you.

  2. No respectable agency will hire current or former drug users.  

  3. not that i know of that since he used and if he got caught then no i should know because i want to be one when i grow up and you cant have any record even with a seat belt or anything and you can search more on it if you want but i dont think they will hire him

  4. It's possible. All he can do is try. But you have to understand that they will have plenty of applicants who had just enough better sense and character to abstain, so he's going to have be superior in every other area to have a chance. BATF uses polygraph, so lying about it is out. These things change over the years. Once, any prior drug use would kill you. That might be a hard line to hold today with marijuana. You're not going to find anything in the requirements like, "Has never used an illegal substance."  

  5. Why would he tell them?

  6. I hope not.

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