
Is it possible to be in love with 2 people at the same time?

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I struggle with this because I love my husband but I am still carrying a huge amount of feelings for an ex. I am having a hard time getting over it and feel like I am being unfair to my husband.




  1. I am living the exact same way's tough.  Yes, it is possible.  I'm proof.

  2. Continue working on your relationship with you husband and overtime, the feelings for your ex will subside to a point of comfort.  

  3. Myabe you don't love your husband then?

    Or is a 'different kind of love' for your ex... Please........... you need to get over the fact about your ex, or its just not fair to your husband

  4. Yes, you are being unfair. Why did you marry and say "I do"?

    Those were promises made. Keep them.

    Your feelings are your feelings, and you can't help it, but watch your actions. Try to put your ex behind you and go forward.

  5. You can be in love with more than one person. The notion of being with one person only has been implanted into your brain through years of being raised in a society that profits from fears and doubts. It goes against our biology. Having feelings for more than one person is a beautiful thing. Talk about your feelings, act on them, and hope for the best!

  6. I know exactly what you're going through, because I've been there.

    All I know to tell you is, that the heart was created to feel.

    It doesn't know any better.

    Don't judge your heart too harshly, it's just doing all it knows how to do.

  7. i think it is very possible. i understand how you feel because i am going through the same thing with my boyfriend of one year now. you really just mayb need closure. maybe talk to your husband about it. it will really take a load off of your chest, if you just talk about it. whatever you do, dont do anything you will not regret with that ex because it would be even more unfair to your husband.

  8. No.  It is possible to be attracted to 2 people at the same time though.  But true love for someone includes respect for them.  Having additional relationships isn't exactly showing true love to someone now is it?


  10. Yes, it is possible to be in love with many people at the same time. But there is going to be one who is better to be in a relationship with, practically. Each one will have better, worse and equal qualities to the other - you just need to decide which ones you value most, or it isn't fair or easy on anyone. It's hard, and you may go wrong, but try to listen to your heart as hard as you can. Cheesy but true!

    Good luck and best wishes :)

  11. Yes, it is possible, but it's unfair to both. You'll have to decide soon, otherwise you'll be left with none.  

  12. grass always looks greener on the other side!! you married your husband for a reason and i hope that reason was LOVE!!!

  13. eww

  14. i do believe that it is possible to be in love with more than one person at once. but what you have to realize is that just because you love someone doesn't mean they are good for you. they guy is your ex for a reason. If you truly love someone you never really get over it. but if your feelings for the ex are stronger than or even equal to your love for your husband then you need to take some time and rethink your marriage. you should choose your husband. He shouldn't be the consolation prize.

  15. yes it's definitely possible to be in love with two people at the same time.

    but if you think about it. your ex is an ex for a reason.

    maybe you just need some closure. but make sure you know your feelings before you talk to your husband, because you don't want to open pandora's box before you fully realize what you feel.

  16. No.  

  17. It's possible to have strong feelings for more than one person, and if those feelings feel almost equal then yes I would say it was possible to love more than one person at once.  Can a mother love two children at once?  There is your answer.  

  18. I think NO - whats so possible is you to let go of that stupid feelings for your X and think deeply why you marry your husband!

  19. YES.

  20. It is possible.  However, you married your husband so you need to get over your ex.  You took sacred vows with your husband, not your therefore, you probably love your husband MORE!  Try getting rid of anything that reminds you of your ex.  Avoid thinking of him.  Focus on your marriage and your husband.  You'll be happier. Also, I bet...that if you got back with your ex, you'd realize how much you really do love your husband.  You may be feeling like your ex is the one that got away...and glorifying him in your head. If you saw him again, I bet you'd realize he's not that great. If he was so would have married HIM.

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