
Is it possible to be in love with a man whom you've only talked to for 1 year and a half but never met him?

by Guest63189  |  earlier

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I met my boyfriend online on january of 2007 which is last year. We talked to each other every single day. I'm talking about every single day, not a day we didn't speak. We spoke to each other for hours and hours, gmail chat during the day at work, etc each day. We shared pictures, our family stories, about ourselves, everything we possibly can. And we told each other we love each other. However, everytime we wanted to meet, something would always happen which i cannot say. And we just couldn't take it anymore after some things happened, we stopped last month. However, we told each other we love each other so much and I never felt this before. Do you think it's possible to be in love like this? I never had this connection not like this...




  1. Not love tho i can see how you would feel close to someone after talking all that time.

  2. Yes sweetie, it is very possible to be in love with this man. You have shared everything that 2 people would share in a physical relationship. There is nothing that says you have to touch a person to know that they are real. You are the only one that can honestly answer this question. What does your heart say? When you get off the phone, does your heart hurt? When you go to sleep at night without him, does your heart hurt? When you finally think you get to touch him and then you can't, does your heart hurt? If you ask yourself these questions and the answers are yes....this will explain if you are in love. Remember loving someone and being in love with someone is two different things. But when you're in love you'll know. Go with your heart, no one can make that decision for you. There's always that saying, " You can't help who you fall in love with". If it's meant to be sweetie, it will be. Nothing comes easily in this world, so if you want him bad enough and you need him and your in love with will fight to get to him. Don't give up, if you're in love.....your heart will tell you. There is nothing that says you have to fall in love with someone who lives in your town, everything happens for a reason. You can love someone from a far just as much as you can living next door. If you feel that joy and pain in your heart for this man, fight for him sweetie! Good luck to you and may your life be everything you've dreamed of~

  3. You can't tell exactly who a person is until you meet them face to face.

  4. You can be in love with who you think this person is, but he probably isn't really like that.  There is something shady going on that you haven't been able to meet.  Break it off and meet a real person not on the computer.

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