
Is it possible to be pregnant IF..

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I have taken 3 pregnancy tests, all of which have come out negative (and to be honest with you, I'm not really sure how accurate these tests were...they weren't name brand or digital read outs...they were actually really weird...)


I have EVERY single symptom, from the missed period to the morning sickness, to the breast tenderness (but not all the time, it comes and goes...dunno if that's normal or not), I'm tired after 4 hours of work or school, I'm hungry more than usual, I cry over EVERYTHING it seems (when my boyfriend looks at me and calls me beautiful, when he leaves for work...when I ran out of toothpaste, when I can't find the right pair of shoes for an outfit...and once I cry I'm happy as a peach!)

Maybe I tested too early? My last period was June 30...I'm not sure when I tested, but I think it was around maybe the 2nd or 3rd week of July. I'm going to test again with the ClearBlue or EPT, but I'm so scared of a negative result that I've been putting it off. I'm going to be crushed if I don't get a positive result.

I go to the Dr on Monday to find out for sure, but I'm just curious now. I REALLY want a baby (actually I'd LOVE twins, but I won't be choosey lol) and I just don't want to walk in that office knowing there's no chance in h**l I'm pregnant. I'll break down and cry if I'm not.

I really do feel pregnant ya'll...I really do. I changed up the way I eat and exercise and sleep and everything just in case I am.

Am I just imagining it? Is it just wishful thinking? Is there any hope??

Only positive answers please. No mocking. This is a serious matter to me. I've been bugging just about everyone I know, and I think they're sick of hearing it, lol.




  1. You are doing the exact correct thing by having your doctor do the tests and informing you.

    Good luck to you

    Make sure to make that doctor appointment

  2. Don't ask us just go see a doctor.

  3. depending on your cycle you would have ovulated around the 2nd week of July, about 14 days after the 1st day of your period. So the tests you took would definitly have been too soon too tell. check out these websites if your trying to get preggers.

    I too am trying to get preggers. Start taking prenatla vitamins as soojn as you decide to try is what my dr said to me. I also take my tempature every morning to better cculate when I'm ovulating along w/ taking a ovulation test to see what my LH surge is. CHECK out those websites ok. And don't forget it can take a healthy couple up to a yr to get pregnant. Good luck to you.

  4. If you had unprotected s*x, you can possibly be pregnant.  Time will tell.  

  5. I am not an expert so I suggest that you go to a doctor. The test therE will show. Thos test are almost always accurate. Good Luck. :)

  6. I would say just to go to the doctors and have an HCG blood test done. I had to have one done because it wasn't showing up on a home pregnancy test. I had the same experiences with the morning sickness and mood swings. My husband thought I was losing my mind because the home tests kept coming back negative. Good luck and I hope you find out good news.  

  7. It is possible for the pregnancy test to be wrong. It does seem that that you may be pregnant. You seem like a fun person to talk to add me 2 contacts. Good luck with the baby!!!  :-)

  8. Go to the doctors and get a blood test...they can tell you for sure, sometimes those symptoms can be mental though. So the only way of really knowing is to get a blood test.

  9. It sounds like you want to be pregnant so badly, you've ended up with false pregnancy (pseudocyesis) symptoms.  If three tests have already read negative, how can you be pregnant?  I'm suppose there IS a slight possibility that all three of those tests were wrong, but I can't imagine it's more than a "slight possibility."

    Here's a link for ya:

  10. there is a chance that you might have tested to early but there is also a chance you might be imagining your preganancy.

  11. WOW this is a serious matter. I am actually going through the same thing as you. I just took my third test yesterday, my first two was not name brand and it was still negative and I have the same symptoms as you except for the crying. I think maybe your hormones are out of wack. That is what I think is going on with me. I am six days late. I guess the only true way to find out is to go to your doctor and get a blood test. Some times pregnancy tests can give you a false negative. Good Luck with your visit.  

  12. You sound pretty anxious and that may throw you off, but I say let the doctor help you out.  Home-tests are mainstream and may not be the proper method for you.  I wish you good luck at the doctor and hopefully Congrats!

  13. I think that it is possible for you to be pregnant, but also equally possible for you not to be.  It seems like you may have tested too early.  I would take another hpt and see what it says, and still go to your doctors appointment.  Sometimes ovulation can be delayed for a number of reasons including stress.  So if you have been particularly stressed out lately, especially about trying to get pregnant, then it is likely that your ovulation has been delayed which can also cause your period to be late.  You still may have gotten pregnant during that ovulatio though too!  I would see what the blood test says at the doctor before believing anything though!  Good luck!

  14. Defidently.  I do it all the time!

  15. I think the sooner you take the test the better, for the (possible) baby's sake and yours. form what you've said ther's a chance you could be pregnant, but  If you get a negative result try not to get down about it because there's always next month! Good luck :)

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