
Is it possible to be pregnant and not have any early symptoms?

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My husband and i have been trying. I have been getting my period the last week of every month for the year but did not get it for July. But i have NO symptoms. I had cramping like a week ago and my period is late. No sore breast or anything.




  1. yes it is not everyone gets symptoms i didn't until i actually found out which i was around 7 weeks and as for the cramping that is very normal to get when pregnant take a test and good luck let us know if you are........

  2. Yes, there are many women that get pregnant and dont even have any symptoms at all, and believe it or not lots of women even have AF that is allot lighter then normal for the first few months before they even find out that they are expecting. you might want to take a test

  3. Yep its very possible, my old boss had no idea she was pregnant until she started feeling the baby "flutter".

  4. My aunt didn't find out she was pregnant until he fifth month.

    I don't know how you go 5 months without realizing it but she did.

    Anyway, good luck!

  5. If you are pregnant, it is way too soon to have pregnancy symptoms. Since you've missed your period, a pregnancy test should be accurate.  Go take one.

  6. You may be in the very early stages of pregnancy. Signs such as cramping could be an early indication. Look out for the other signs that i am sure you are looking for already... good luck

  7. yes its possible. I had no symptoms until i took a test on the day my period was due, then i started getting symptoms like frequent peeing, lower back pain, forgetfulness.

    now ive started with morning sickness!great!

  8. I didn't have any real early symptoms besides cramping. I started getting morning sickness about 2.5 mos in but that's about it.  

  9. You do not have to have any warning signs. Mine was HE MOVED! At first I thought it was gas then coincidence nope it was a bouncing 7lb 3 oz Boy. Yes I only has 3 months to prepare. Breast soreness can be late. Get a test.

  10. Yes you definitely could be pregnant !!! But the only ways to know for sure is to go get a test. Good luck !!!  

  11. I had no pregnancy symptoms either.  It is very possible.  some of us are just lucky and fly through the first trimester without any of the nausea, soreness, etc.  I was a little more tired than usual, but other than that, felt great.  So you're not too late yet, but it definitely wouldn't hurt to take a test.  no use in waiting on the symptoms, if your period is late, that's the sure symptom you should be waiting on.  Good luck!

  12. Oh yes so very possible. my first pregnancy the only way I knew i was pg was with a hpt. my pregnancy symptoms, like sore b*****s and ligament stretching didnot start until i was well into my 2nd trimester. so its possible get that pregnancy test. and good luck. It took me and my husband 3 yrs to get pg. and now we have 3 wonderful babies

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