
Is it possible to be pregnant under these circumstances?

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I had unprotected s*x on the 11th, and on the 12th I got my period, a whole week early! I was said to ovulate from the 16th-21st. Even though I got my period, could I still have concieved?




  1. Well my period started coming compleately early when TTC Its doubtful you've concieved but just to be sure take a test in a few days... && as soon as my period started messing up I got pregnant right after that the next time I ovulated!! So good luck & dont lose hope!

  2. If the bleeding is a flow like a period, it's unlikely to have that if you're pregnant. If it's very light or spotting it could be implantation bleeding, which happens when the egg burrows into the lining of the uterus. It sounds like your cycle is just messed up, but I would see the doctor just to be sure.  

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