
Is it possible to be pregnant when?

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you are spoting.....i m bloated constantly and my belly is bigger than ever not fat but I have this round thing on my lower belly

i pee constantly get sick and nauseas just by looking at food or smelling it...i also have weird food cravings like never before and im constantly tired. I didnt have a real period for the past 3 months ,,,ive been mostly spoting and missed one two months ago.i cant suck in my tummy too .

I took an hpt 4 months ago when i missed my period but nothing. I spent over $200 on tests...

My main concern is the round part on my belly and peeing a lot and tired a lot. What do you think? Could I be pregnant if I was spoting and had a light one day period?




  1. Sounds as though you are pregnant. Its not uncommon for people to have full periods through out their whole pregnancy. Just buy a $10.00 at home test and confirm it. Babies have many needs, the sooner you know, the sooner you can "nest" and prepare.

  2. You can spot the entire length of your pregnancy, if your home tests are telling you negative then I would get a blood test done at the doctors.

  3. you need to see a doctor right away you could  be pregnet  hpt test dont alway pick up the hormone sometimes only a blood test will show positive it could be dangerous r you may have pcos   r  something more serouse  go see you ob gyn like tommorow  hun     whatever it is its better to be safe then sorry      

    i have missed periods often but i have pcos  i had a tubal pregnancy   i took five hpt and all were nagitive i felt pregnet so i seen two defrent docs both said not pregnet  cause they never tested bolld finaly i started havein severe pain in my abdomain  long stry short my tube berst had emergency sergery to remove the tube and fetus i could have bleed to death  enternally    the only reason i went to the er was i spoting  like the star of a period  

    please see a doc and let us know the outcome

    good luck

  4. you should get a blood test done

  5. I like the name rick but if its a girl name her Rickie

  6. You actually could be pregnant. In certain stages of pregnancy spotting is normal and at different stages of pregnancy it is a REALLY bad sign.

    To tell you the truth, I would go to the ob/gyn. They know the most of this stuff.

    Best of Luck!

  7. Go into the doctor and get checked. It sounds like a pregnancy but there are even conditions that can take on pregnancy symptoms. I have PCOS and this can take on the exact same symptoms as a pregnancy. The best thing to do is get checked by your doctor and see what is going on.

  8. It sounds like pregnancy, but you should definately go to the doctor to find out whats going on. If you are pregnant, it might not be going well, which you would want to fix up straight away.

    Good Luck.

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