
Is it possible to be racist and a christian?

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l was watching a movie based on true events that dealt with racism within the church and see, I'm spanish portuguese and l see no color. How can a person say they love God but dislike a person because of the color of someone skin or the race he was born into. It's not like the person choose to be this way. People need to stop looking at people color and start looking ahead in life. 1st John 4:20-21 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.




  1. It is possible to be a Christian and not to be perfect. If you are a Christian racist, you  are asked to know that it is wrong (regret and be sorry) and to change.

  2. There are racists that refer to their beliefs as the "Christian Identity Movement".  A lot of the KKK claim that they're "christians".

    I'm not a christian or a racist, but I do agree with you that I don't see how someone can be both.

  3. Many far-right racist groups use the Bible to justify their beliefs.  You may say that they are not true Christians, but they say you aren't, so  it would appear to be a draw.

  4. Of course it is - If you are a Christian you can justify any form of bigotry by just opening your Bible.

  5. It is very possible.

    Your church world-wide is a shining example

  6. It already exists. Look at the British and other white people etc etc.

  7. No, hate is wrong.

    God bless you

  8. Only in the many religious denominations that call themselves "Christian".  I doubt that they really are because they teach such false doctrine that does not appear in the Bible.

  9. You make a good point. It is "possible", considering that we all have sin in our lives, but it has no place in Christianity. The essence of biblical equality can be summed up in the Bible's book of Galatians:

    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

    Even though the world does not always treat humans as equals, as members of the body of Christ, all are equal spiritually in the eyes of Jesus. In fact, those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who serve others will be exalted to a higher status in the kingdom of heaven. The bible says that there will be "a great multitude, which no one could count" in heaven, and that these people will be "from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues."

  10. Yes, I think it is possible for a professing Christian to be a racist. (Racism could be prejudices against any race including Caucasian by the way.) I believe that racism is a sin. I am a Christian and I believe that we are all equal, the color of our skin does not mean we are better or worse than any other person. But I know that Christian people are not perfect in any way, shape or form and we still struggle with sin. So it is possible someone could struggle with the sin of racism after they have become a Christian.

  11. sure it is..

    .however it is  not possible to claim spiritual progress and be  a racist

  12. It is impossible to be racist and Christian, but some find crazy ways to say they are right to be racist and Christian.  Commonly white supremacists believe that their views are supported by Christianity.  In reality, Jesus was a beautiful example of someone who loves all since he hung out with those typically rejected for what religions they practiced, what social groups they belonged to or  even their crimes and misdeeds.  Jesus loved everyone unconditionally.

  13. Ever hear of Martin Luther? (back then the Jews were considered a race).

  14. No, it says to love your neighbour.

    Even if I weren't Christian, I wouldn't agree with racism, I think it's just ridiculous, I really can't understand it!

    Ø«  - How can you say that?! It's disgusting, and giving Christians a bad name. I have never met a true Christian who is racist, and hope I never do.

    insighthere - How does that make me a hypocrite? My best friend is g*y, my other friend is racist. I love them still. I tell them that I don't agree with it, but who am I to tell them off for their beliefs? I have mixed race cousins, sadly, I never got to meet their father as he died before I was born, and it hurts me when people are racist towards them.

    yogiraj - What about British and white people?

    Sorry for the rant, guys!! I have feelings!!

  15. No. But 10000000 million posts show it's possible to be a moron and call yourself a christian. Kind of goes with the territory.

  16. Ideally Christians aren't racists. But Christian scripture has been repeatedly used to justify racism in this country.

  17. All Christians are bigots and those who say they are not are lying through their teeth. I don't care if they mention "my best friend is g*y and I am a Christian". That just makes them hypocrits as well.

  18. well my Christian friend told me the other day she thought all black people are ugly. I thought that was kinda mean and racist.  

  19. It's possible to be racist and call oneself a Christian.

    However, the very definition of Christian means that a person who is racist, and claims to be a Christian, truly isn't a Christian.  Jesus wasn't racist by any stretch of the imagination.  As Christians, aren't we supposed to be imitators of Christ?

  20. look at KKK and you will see that those christans sure have a tollerence for diversity

  21. No. There are those who claim to be a christian and deny the LORD, by what they do and many times say.

    True Christians see as Christ still sees, we are One people in HIM. No color, no male, no female. We are ALL one body.

  22. Tout la bem, amigo?

    In Answer to your first Question, the Answer is "NO! You cannot be a racist and claim to be Christian; because it goes against the very grain of Christianity."

    And, regarding your able quotes, hat's off!



    It's very strange that someone who claims to be a Christian and a racist uses the Arabic letter for "W" as his nick, isn't it? Oh, I forgot, the Muslims claim to be the true "Christians".

    As for the others who have been quoting the KKK and Colonial England etc for examples of Christianity, I wonder if they know that the KKK Burns the Cross and wears caped hoods, which are the tradition of the Satanist? And the East India Company, which someone quoted above, were merchants and mercenaries ... adventurers who were as good as pirates so the British Government took them over? And, finally, let's take a look at the Church World Wide.

    It was the Christian Catholic Church that started building schools, colleges and hospitals World Wide, where Priests and Nuns worked overtime on ridiculously low stipends to serve and help the colored people  - World Wide. It's still the Red Cross that goes everywhere to help the victims and it's donations at Churches that give funds to the coloreds to better their lot.

    What have the Muslims or others done, so far, for their unfortunate poor there?

    Despite decades of rolling in petrol wealth, I don't see them doing much, do you?


    How can one who follows Yeshua bar Joseph el Nazrany [aka Jesus Christ] be a racist [meaning being discriminatory to those of other races and color] when they, themselves, revere a colored Aramaic Jewish Rabbi?

    In case you didn't know, Jesus, Himself, was colored. He wasn't White.

  23. By definition, no that's not possible.  The word Christian means Christ like.  But, I've known many "Christians" that are racists.  Hope this helps, and you make a very good point in your question.

  24. Personally, I think the 2 terms are mutually exclusive. If you are a follower of Christ, you certainly shouldn't be racist. But there are definitely many out there who claim to be Christian and are incredibly racist.  

  25. No.  It is possible to be racist and call oneself a Christian, but it is not possible to be racist and BE a Christian.

    That was one of the first lessons learned by the Christian apostle Peter, who had bias against Gentiles.

    But when God revealed his truth to Peter, Peter said, "For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." (Acts 10:34, 35)

    God does not discriminate, and neither can those who are called to "imitate God as beloved children." (Ephesians 5:1)

  26. Well, not really. But all people are racists in certain ways, we all seek sameness, that is just human nature.

    Btw, Am I a racist because I do not wish to go into black neighborhoods where people get shot at everyday?  

    edit: still when I was in the Army I had black friends that I would trust with my life and they felt the same about me. My best friend at my current job is a black guy that would do anything for me, and I for him.

  27. Impossible. No "Christian" who is a racist will be saved. They will need to repent and stop that wickedness through the power of Jesus Christ.

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