
Is it possible to be stressed out with out knowing it?

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im a 13 year old girl and i have tonns of stuff i could be stressed about belive me.

parents r devoreced [because mom cheated and she has a drug and alcohol problem and she was so busy with those things she was never there for me or my sisters] wen i was 6.

so dad got full custody. wen ever i went over to her house she would be dealing and high and/or drunk and would never talk to us.

my older sister stayed with mom bc my dad isnt her dad

shes 18 and has a kid already but we dont even know if they r okay or whre they r living bc we havnt seen mom or older sister in over 3 years. sometimes i will get very depressed over how my life is but i dont show it im very good at hiding it [no one but my best friend knows i am and wen told her i was she was very surprised] but my younger sister doesnt hide it and me and dad know she is and he tries to make me help wich im okay with just sometimes it makes me feel worse. i watch dad suffer everyday to get us were we r and for our sitch. i geuss its pretty good. hes an electrition with a bad back and his whole body is just starting to crumble and its horrible to watch him like this bc his job doesnt give him a raise after telling him all the time hes the best the companys got. hes even subbed out to another company kuz hes so good but he didnt get a raise for that either. his job makes him drive ALL OVER like sometimes his drive to the job cite is lik 2 hours and HE has to pay for gas wich is NOT helping our money problem at all. and watching my sister all depressed is hard too.. dad always talks about how proud he is of me for keepin my head high and working thru this stuff so good wich i did at the beggining but latly i've cracked and suddenly some days i will feel depressed both about look [weight maily--wich ik is stupid bc ik im not fat.] and this life im living and that makes me feel even worse like i would let him down if i were to ever tell him about my depression days. and i just couldnt do that to him. and my best friend is highly depressed [the reasons why is a WHOLE other story] and sometimes has thaughts of suicide. it hurts me a lot wen she tells me dreams or thaughts shes had. i do good in school but i do try rlly hard and im in an advanced class this year for the first time wich is somewhat worrying me. just a bit.

and i missed my period this month. they were regulated to begin with but it never came this month and ik a reason for that may be stress and im wondering if its possible i could be stressed out even tho i rlly honestly dont FEEL stressed. is that actualy possible?

thnx for all ur help i rlly need it




  1. You can't worry about everything.

    Try focusing on you, just you.

    How can you work out your

    problem?  Take one problem

    at a time.

    Write it down.  Read over

    it.  How can you make it better?

    You can't fix or worry about

    everyone.  Life has a way of

    working things out.

    Everyday for ten minutes,

    take deep breaths, and

    say something positive

    to yourself.

    You'll feel better, and those

    around you will see it.  

  2. Great answer, Solomon! Candy, I would take his advice seriously. You seem very young to have all these things going on in your blossoming life. Yet you seem to be handling them well. The only thing I'd like to say is that you need to take care of yourself first. It is difficult to take care of anyone else or anything else if you yourself are not flourishing and positive. I wish you the very best. Hugs to you.

  3. Well Candy,,you have had a lot going on in your young life..You must first realize,you have an excellent father..You yourself are dong very well with your situation and can be proud of how you are handling it..You can definitely be stressed out and not realize it.. In your case though,,I tend to think you are level headed enough to accept things for what they are,,and rise above the fray..Meaning,,you know who and whats right and wrong,,and will sort out the proper conclusions..You should be very proud of yourself..I'm not just trying to make you feel good ! And the 10 points mean very little to me..I think you should stay the course your on ,,and  concentrate  on advancing yourself through your studies,,and do what you can to help your Dad..He really is a good man..As far as the rest of it,,do the best you can,and forget about the rest.. You should set your Mother and older sister as examples that you will not follow in.. When you help your little sister,,your helping your dad,,so do it,if you can..I DO hope your situation improves soon for you,,but rest assured down the road in a few years,,you keep doing what your doing,,and everything in YOUR future will be bright and happy..  I  Promise !! Good Luck !! SOLOMON

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