
Is it possible to be super sensitive to the paranormal?

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ever since i was real little i have always had a few things follow me around some i can since were good and some i could since were bad.iv had a few weird instances happen to me where i was helped by some and hurt by it possible to be sensitive to spirts,and how can i go about to advance my skills?




  1. Sorry, but you asked this in the science category.So I'm free to answer.There's no proof of the paranormal at all.Not even any good evidence.My opinion it's all in your mind.If you only want answers that feed into your imagination.Ask them at the site below.I promise I'll not bother you there.

  2. I dont know.

  3. So, your atrocious spelling and grammar aside, are you saying that you can't be paranoid for twenty years? I think you've shown that you can.

    "I'm not paranoid...the voices in my head are."

  4. I believe that you believe in it, however, I can only conclude that what you are experiencing is memories that you have given meaning to through your own beliefs.

    You yourself must have doubts, or you would not be posting this question.

    Although it seems like a big fall for a 5 year old, falling off the washing machine probably would not hurt for someone so young. 5 year olds have much lighter bodies than adults and the damage from such a fall would be negligable, unless they fell flat on thier face or something.

    You have supplimented such memories with your own beliefs, and these have been reinforced by such things as your mother telling you they are angels and demons.

    When you are alone and afraid, you are going to experience the sense that something evil is watching you. When you are feeling good you will get the sense that angels are nearby.

    Your not crazy, or paranoid, this is pretty normal for people. If we can't explain it right away, we often make the mistake that its a spirit of some kind.

    Heck, half the people asking questions in this section are with you.

  5. Many alleged abductees have had repressed or "Missing time" episodes. Many people who are traumatized for various other reasons do also. Don't feel rejected just because there are others who refuse to accept your theory. It does appear that you are "sensitive" regardless of the truth. Maybe you are just open minded to these suggestions and stories. Keep looking anyway, no doubt there are many others who think like you too.

  6. It is hard to believe and harder to prove. If it is real, prove it to people, many people, because we all need something good and real to believe in. Proving that there is another spiritual world would change many people.

  7. All my life I have some one helping me stay alive.  I may have been just a little bit to wild as a child. I have survived a drowning, 2 gun shots- one to the heart that was a "defective bullet" they said because it only went in a quarter inch from 10 feet away, 80 mile per hour auto crash that should have killed me. All before I was 20.

    I have been told that a young women follows me around by other psychics.  She is my guardian angle, spirit guide, or what ever.  I seem to be living a guarded life.  My wife says that I'm not a consequential thinker and tend to leap before I look.  

    I also know people that are so sensitive that they have a hard time telling the spirit world from reality.  One even was tossed in the nut house until she agreed that ghost weren't real, got to love those religious folk!  

    I don't know how super sensitives can handle it, you need to learn to turn it off and on.

    I have 2 psychic  friends that are dead on all the time. They know things about places and things that take months of research  to find out.  One even finds stuff for the police.

    Get with a psychic or meditation group and learn to control yourself first--breathing, heart rate, calmness of mind, then the rest will be easier.

  8. To advance in your skills i would join a group in your area to learn from classes offered we all usually offer them for free or five bucks a session to cover rental of house we meet in unless its public. I have a group that learns about ghost hunting. Yes you HAVE to be sensitive to the paranormal to be able to see the things you do and yes its real .  Its always good to know people out there feel the same as me. It makes ya feel not crazy anymore ya  know..? Good luck.

    we have a group here on yahoo to columbusghosthunters

  9. Of course you can be sensitive to the paranormal.Every Weds.on Montel,Sylvia Brown is on.I assume you're from the U.S.Anyway she is a psychic.Watch his show next Weds.It's on at 10:00 A.M. central Time.Sylvia says to keep practicing.I guess by clearing your mind.GOOD LUCK!

  10. Embrace your gift, do not brag of your abilities.  Do not share with those who claim to know.   Folks with the gift will reveal themselves to you.

  11. Yes many people are sensitive to what you call the paranormal, and by touching we know even more.  Keep your sensitivity alive by never hurting anyone unnecessarily.  Don't eat the flesh of any creature created alive by our Creator.  Don't eat meat Don't charge money to people you help., for any help you give them.  Give it all away free.  Help all the people you can help.

  12. Tell the "bad" ones to go away and leave you don't have to keep them around you; but if you don't tell them to leave they'll keep on you.

    I don't know that I'd say it is "super sensitive" vs just sensitive to the paranormal.

    You can advance your skills through practice; it's a lot of hard work. You can purchase books or read articles on-line.

  13. Yes,I think so.Some people just do not welcome these experiences.Depends on the person,some more sensitive than others.I think it can be a very good thing.

  14. Some people are more paranoid than others, not paranormal.

  15. I think some humans are born with a heightened sense of their surroundings and can sense or see what most people cannot.

    I know an older married couple that can sense demons and are used to help people.

    I know a family that has had ongoing UFO and alien-like activity. I was part of a group sighting of a ufo(very close proximity) at their home. They seem to be a magnet. They've also experienced poltergeist activity(usually before or after the ufo/alien activity).

    It's easy for us to simply laugh off these sorts of things, because it's actually frightening when one thinks about the consequences and where we are in the grand scheme of things.

    But, when you know these people and have experienced with them(the group ufo sighting), it's hard to dismiss and titter at.

  16. no. but it's possible to be  super paranoid to delusions

  17. First the term paranormal is to broad (not precise enough) for the question that you are asking. You seem to be asking about spirits/ghosts/angels or other such creatures.

    Second, while there are certainly people with mental disorders that see such things. All of the research has failed to find any connection (overall) between mental conditions and seeing ghosts/angels (in other words this doesn't explain all of it).

    Thirdly, Sadly most work in the field (where people see and experience actual events) has stopped and scientist have retreated into the laboratory.

    Lastly, research has found certain indicators that some people are more likely to score better on ESP tests (like the Ganzfeld) if they show certain personality types on the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory and creative people also tend to score higher. So some people are more sensitive to ESP (or at least perform better on tests) than others. Thus, I think it would be at least possible that people are more sensitive to other types of unexplained experiences.

    For more information on current work see the web site of the Parapsychological Association

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  18. yes it is very possible to be super sensitive to the super natural, sounds like some one is watching over you and they will only put themselves out when you get in some sort of trouble

  19. see on this sits

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