
Is it possible to be trapped in ones own self? Your sun moon and asc?

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I ask this because I get wrapped up or caught in my own little story like its my world and I'm the author not quite getting the respect I deserve.

Like my sun is leo, which its sign is the sun, moon is the emotions and its sign is the symbol of two fishes(pisces) which makes me feel like I'm just traveling back & forth through the current to catch up(that really place me in the world I feel, I guess because I must be emotionaly attached to life) and my moon is a cancer, the opposite of the sun.

Although I feel like it would be a dum question to ask is it my signs, because I feel like I made sense of it through my own little story. Is it your moon(like a little child in the darkness or something)that trap this emotions between the two or is it just me buying in to it to much?




  1. Yes, I get caught up in my little stories sometimes.  

    Sun in Libra

    Moon in Aquarius

    Capricorn rising

  2. Everyone is deep into their own "story".  Just look around you.  Everyone is in IT and sees nothing else.  The trick is stepping out of the story and THEN looking around.

    THAT's what Life REALLY is.  What you see when you step OUT of the story.  And that's when the adventure really begins! :-)

  3. yeah sure our thoughts can make or break our world, so we technically 'own' our world, we descide what is going on. Your thinking shapes your world and you shouldn't let your world shape your thinking. We can perservere because our minds have so much control over our lives.

    well because your moon is in piscean its not a dumb question to ask because the piscean is the most dreamiest signs of all and are know to dream and like escaping reality and since the moon rules your emotions and it is in piscie then how you deal with things 'emotionaly' may cause you to withdraw into your own little world =) this is perfectly normal too

    with the moon in cancer it is also usualy to retreat back in ones shell. Having said that i like to retreat into my own world aswell i think its quite possible.

    im cancer sun, scorpio moon

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