
Is it possible to be with two women same time, will they accept it ?

by  |  earlier

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well some ppl referd to me as inexperienced or being selfish, or even being weirdo or trans-se*ual.

as for being selfish am not at allm if iam selfish i will come back home and forget about them, i used to study in southeastern asia n i got to know females there, and now am back home. and i cant forget about them. and because iam a MUSLIM, i cant tell you about my past and wat wrongdoings i committed nor number of females i girls/women i had. n iam not young because iam 24 years old. n to let ppl know i come from a mediterranean country and many told me iam good looking boys n girls. am just trying to fix the broken hearts, not being selfish or not taking dvantage as iam going against all odds due to major differences between us, asian/ arabian




  1. wow. thats all i can say. no woman is going to accept that. if a woman has to chose whether or not shes gonna share the man then hes not worth it.  

  2. men are polygamous by nature. women are monogamous. i guess you'll have to keep it a secret from both of them forever or you'll lose them both, NEVER TRY TO RIDE TWO BOATS AT THE SAME TIME, YOU'LL DEFINITELY DROWN

  3. if ur muslim , no problems  

  4. No wonder lesbians are on the rise. If men are really thinking like this, then I can't say that I blame them.

  5. are you for real?  assuming that you are, you need to make a choice now.  this will not end well for anyone and is soon to end up as a "jerry springer" episode.  stop being selfish and let one of these women free.

  6. are you asking about your mommy and sister again?

  7. *eye roll* Ok stud muffin.

    Anyhow, why don't you ask both of them what they think? Maybe you should wear some protective gear thinks it might not go over so well.  

  8. as a girl I see no prob. if you see two girls at the same time coz you are not married and a individual, I say it is if you plan to marry don't rush in as you will only be hurt in the long run

  9. You wish dude

    Once they both find out that you've been cheating on them they will kick you to the kirb!

  10. First you are not a "ladies man" for dating, bedding whatever 2 women. It also sounds as if you are very young, as are the girls you dated (she had to go home most nights ?).

    As to the law - no you cant marry two.

    Reality - I think you are too young and inexperienced to understand marriage.

  11. It is time for you to talk to both of them separately and get their opinion on the subject of sharing.  If they seem to be agreeable, then arrange a meeting between all three and see if they still agree.  At that point in time you will find yourself with two women to take care of, or you will find yourself alone and start the looking process over.  With all great ideas comes some set backs, so just keep trying until you get what you need.  Good luck.

  12. no you cant be with two at once... do they know about each other? you are cheatin on both... and frankly its not fair to any of them...

  13. Don't be such a man wh*re...

    Why don't you concentrate on being the best husband you can be to one woman? Adding another person into a marriage will never work out.  

  14. If you are Muslim you can but you have to treat them both exactly the same, emotionally, financially etc.... can you do that?

  15. Great, another DIPSHlT!

    Thanks for giving Real men a bad name.

    MAN-UP and tell the truth.  Then find someone else when they both tell you to go s***w yourself and have a nice hot bi-sexual orgy with some other guy and videotape it for you.  When you DO find a new girl, don't cheat on her in the first place, and you won't have this problem ever again.

  16. ask both of them if they will marry you and that you want both of them as wives

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