
Is it possible to become a country singer if you don't have a country singing accent?

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Or is it required that you have an accent? Has there ever been a country singer without one? Thanks.




  1. yes u just have 2 know how 2 sing

  2. keith urban is australian i think...and hes a country singer

  3. YESSSSSSS!!!!!jessica simpson is supposedly a country singer and she has no accent whatsoever.SHE DOES NOT BELONG SINGING COUNTRY MUSIC!!No offense to the people who like her,Emma

  4. Eddie Rabbitt was born in East Orange, N.J., and grew up in Brooklyn. His parents came from Ireland. Not a trace of Southern heritage in there, and I heard enough of his songs to know that he never faked an accent.

  5. Actually I think the Southern Accent Country Music thing is fading away. I think anyone can sing country music as long as thats the type of music they enjoy, and what intruments they use in the song.

    So, no, it's not required to have an accent. =]

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