
Is it possible to become a professional handball player if I only have one arm?

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Is it possible to become a professional handball player if I only have one arm?




  1. sure

  2. Sure you can, it's pretty much like soccer but you can pick it up. But, i dont think you have one arm, because you couldn't type hardly

  3. If this guy can do this with NO arms...I guess you can play ball with one. /: )

  4. You can do anything if you believe your self.

  5. everything's possible.....

    .....hek.... i am a midget......

    ....and became a..... helluva pole-dancing-midget!

  6. Possible I guess, not likely. A good sport for people with one arm is soccer.

  7. Anything is possible.....................

  8. Actually there has been a one-armed pro handballer, his name was George Quam. He had one of his arms amputated from the shoulder.

    From the USHA website:

    George was told to forget about handball, because it was strictly a two-handed game. Quam determinedly learned the game and went on to win an exhibition over Baltimore’s George Nelson in 1928, the year after Nelson won the national singles. Herbert Hoover invited Quam to the White House and chatted with him for half an hour.

    "I’ve had more fun playing handball than any other activity...handball has been the vehicle by which I won my way out of darkness and despair...I don’t believe that having one hand has been a handicap...everyone is given more natural ability, equipment and talent than we will ever use. Success is not going to be determined by what you have to work with, but how you use what you have."

    George Quam was inducted into the USHA Hall of Fame in 1959.

    So if you have the determination you can be a one-handed handballer!!!

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