
Is it possible to become flexible if you weren't born that way?

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I'm starting tai chi and I would love to be as flexible as this lady, but I'm not naturally flexible. I'm also starting weapons martial art so yeah . . . any advise etc. I'm also very unco so tips to become less clumsy are welcome too XD

Thanks :)




  1. Yes, it is. Just stretch a little bit every day.

  2. Yes, anyone can gain flexibility through work out and practice.

  3. Stretch, stretch, stretch ( or is that how to get to Carnegie Hall).  The process of learning Tai Chi require you have patience with yourself, I studied Yang and Wu style for three years, sometimes I felt like a three legged dog, sometimes the light bulb would go on.

    Much of Taijiquan theory revolves around opposites Yin(stillness) and Yang(motion), Kan(water) and Li(fire), etc.  

    So what does this mean ?

    If one leg is on the ground it is substantial, all weight is on it.  When moving, the foot in motion is insubstantial, it has no weight which means the weight has to shift to the stationary foot prior to moving.  Motion and stillness are in balance.  Simply put (I think), shift your weight to the still leg prior to moving the other leg.  As one element of a posture sinks, another rises.  Sometimes this involves a lot of shifting, tai chi is not easily mastered but worth it.

    Much of taiji involves transition from posture to posture, once you get used to the above mentioned principles, you're good to go.

    Good luck on your journey

  4. Sure you can! Atleast 5 months ago I couldnt do a split, ( mind you I still can't do a full split, only a side split) and now I can.

    Just stretch everyday when you wake up, around lunch time, and when you go to bed. Worked for me. Good luck!

  5. yeah of course if you do like gymnastics or dance, ballet! stuff like that really gets ur body going! and just to start you off ill tell how to begin to do the splits! ok so my friend told me that the best ways are when your body is warm, maybe after a shower, and definitly after a good stretch! so then my friend showed me like a little stretch. ok so you are on all fours and your knees are facing straight. then you slide your knees as far as possible and then your friend or you are pushing downward. hope this helped!

  6. It is possible! I was given a dvd, Tom Kurz's Secrets of Stretching, & have gone from having average flexibility to doing the splits within a few months!

    Check him out here:

    This part contains frequently asked questions-very helpful!

  7. unless you've got something stopping you from stretching like a big belly in the way or chronic pain

    stretch when you wake up, and stretch before you go to bed EVERY DAY.

    even a few minutes will be beneficial but you should stretch for at least 15-20 minutes each time, if you don't think you have time for that, wake up earlier and go to bed later. It will be worth loosing some sleep since you'll be sleeping/breathing better.

  8. yes of course!!! i was doing dancing for 2 years and i could do the splits and all but then i [stopped] and cant do it anymore!

  9. Yes !!

    If you have the desire to become so.

    When I was 18yrs old I joined Shukokai Karate and what helped me achieve the box splits and excellent kicking ability was not my club training but following the complete range of exercises and kicking techniques in this book way back in 1981.....

    I believe these days there is a dvd version ,I personally trained using this book for 2hrs each day for 6 months and like I said achieved the box splits.

    hope this helps best wishes :)***

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