
Is it possible to block people form calling you On the telephone ?

by  |  earlier

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I am on Alliant/Bell phone company,

My ex-gf and her "friends" or whoever the h**l it is, keeps calling, like every 2 mins for the last 2 hours.

Usually when you get yer *ss dumped, you don't call again, even if it is to p*ssme off...

But is there away to block certain numbers and people from calling you on the telephone ?




  1. yes it is, look in front of the phone book for the correct code in your area or just call the operator and they can tell you how, but they can call from several numbers and you will have to do the same thing each time, get an answering machine and screen calls or get caller id and only answer when you know the callers number. good luck

  2. Get a restraining order on her or change ur number. PS what the h**l did u do 2 her?

  3. Get caller least you'll know who's calling

  4. report it to the police it is harrassment the court can issue an order and if they dissobey the order they can go to jail but phone companies cannot stop you from recieving calls in fact they make money from people ringing you so they really dont wont to.

  5. 3 options

    1. Don't pick up / disconnect the wire

    2. call the phone company / get caller ID

    3. Get restraining order........She will have to stop then

  6. idk,just dont answer it ..Mwahahahah jk idk seriously

  7. yes there is way but you have to call your phone company to get that feature.

  8. I think all you can do is get called ID and not answer if they call. Have you tried putting a pillow over the phone to mute the sound?

  9. Yes, it is possible to block people from calling you by blocking the number on your receiver. For more information talk to your phone provider (ex. Bell Canada, Mobile, etc.)

  10. Yes ! You have to call the phone co. and have call blocking add its normally less than a $1 a month to do it and when I did it you could block 10 # I think . It was like 5 years ago !

    Once it installed when they call and hang up you push a code in the phone ! Later Dillweed    lol

  11. yes. It's called "call block" it's a pay service

  12. Call your telephone company and tell them the number you'd like to block. Problem solved. :)

  13. I think it is by making yur phone one way!!!

  14. If you know the phone number that's calling you, you can have it blocked.  Different phone providers have different commands you have to type in the phone to do this, so I would call alliant/bell and ask them.

    There might be a fee for blocking the calls, so you'd want to ask about that too.

  15. Dial *60 for Call Block & key in the number you don't want to call you:

    #(area code + number)#

    It would actually look something like this: #1234567890#

  16. Yea you can.

    search ion the phone book

    you should find it in the first few pages.

    happened to me also

    or just call your company

  17. there is no way.

    your would have to call your company and go through a verryyy long process.

  18. it is on a cell, but not a land line.

  19. no, but if it persists, you can file a harrassment complaint and get them in trouble- But if that's to much for you, then call the phone company- They should be able to put a block on it

  20. it depends on how many features you have through your phone service, check online or call the company and they will tell you

  21. You can call the phone company and ask them to block certain numbers from getting through.  That is the only way i know of.

  22. yes call your local phone company mine is *82..what did you do to her? will probably be calling her

  23. i am pretty sure the phone company offers a call

    block feature that should eliminate the problem.

  24. next time awnser and tell them ull call the police if they dont stop ythey should stop if not contact bthe police and file hyarrasement

  25. If they are calling blocked there is a way that your telephone company can make it so no blocked numbers can call your line.  If they want to call at this point they will have to call and show their number in which case you can have proof they are calling you repeatedly and definately call the telephone company or whoever and make a complaint with proof.

  26. yes you can block them..go to your local telephone office and explain to them that you are being harassed and they will not only block them but they will also hear a recording that this phone number is being traced and given to the local police for harassment..been there done that..and they love doing it for you too...

  27. If your system has "Call Block" you can....or just turn off the phone!

    They'll get tired of hearing your voicemail and give it a rest.

  28. u can only block all incoming calls or you can also block all calls that are NOT in ur contacts on your phone so if her number isnt listed as one of your friends or contacts then it will go straight to voicemail, call ur phone company or read ur owners manual if you still have it

  29. get caller ID and then when u see it is her number just dnt pick up

  30. If you have caller ID there is. otherwise get yourself an answermachine - and just let it take all the calls.

    You could leave a message like

    "If you know my ex please f-off ,and if you don't feel free to leave a message."

    alternatively you could add some descriptive words

    like "my fat, ugly, controlling ex"

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