
Is it possible to breed goldfish in a aquarium?

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If So. How?




  1. Goldfish do not have s*x. Unlike the first answer PLZ!!!

    They have a special kit for breeding. You can find it on line I am sure. It looks like a thin net that lies on the bottom of the tank. The Mother sends her eggs below, the father fertilizes them. In a few days, you have babies.

    The bigger problem is getting the parents not to eat the little eggs and fish. That is why it is a thin net. It prevents the babies from getting out, the parents from getting in.

    Not exactly Nemo... but such is life.

  2. yeah. goldfish alway have s*x. you'll have babies in no time =] actually they do. my boyfriend has an aquarium and his goldfish is pregnant and has had babies before. so thanks for the thumbsdown assh*les =]

  3. yes its possible. heres a link on how to

    ps its hard to tell if ones a male or a female.

  4. it is very possible to breed goldfish in aquariums. As long as you are able to provide a healthy environment for the fish breeding is possible.

  5. Here are the basics, I strongly suggest that you check out a book on it to learn all the specifics and techniques.

    Ok so in the wild goldfish would mate in spring so to replicate going from winter to spring you need to first lower the temperature to about 60˚ for about a week and then gradually bring it up to about 75˚. This will simulate the signs that cause goldfish to begin getting ready to spawn. At some point after you do this temperature change some goldfish will start to get little white bumps near their gills these are the males. The females will start to plump out around the stomach area. Once you have determined the gender of whichever fish you want to breed separate the males from the females by putting the two genders in two different tanks (you can use the main tank as one of the holding tanks). Pick the two fish that you want to have mate. These should be the ones that have the best coloring, characteristics, and personality. If you really like one fishes characteristics have that one mate with several other good fish. Put the two that you have chosen into the spawning tank (the tank should have lots of live plants for the eggs to attach to and should be half full) and check on it each morning. If they're are no eggs in the morning you will have to wait till the next one. If there are any eggs, immediately take out both the male and female out. Do the usual tank cleaning but to keep any of the fry from being sucked up into the filter and gravel vaccume put a piece of sponge in the filter intake tube and some sponge or cloth over the opening of the gravel vaccume. The fry will grow up (obviously) and during that time you should cull a lot of them. Most batches of fry contain over a thousand. Many will be deformed or will die because they weren't fertilized. The eggs that weren't fertilized will appear white and milky while the one's that were fertilized will be clear. Throughout their growing time pick all the ones that are deformed or that don't have perfect characteristics and either feed them to other fish or dispose of them. You should end up with only the most perfect fishes out of the batch. This is all that I can accurately tell you. Like I said, get a book about breeding goldfish. It'll really help you out.

  6. local sighintist say that its possible but if they dont want to they wont

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