
Is it possible to build a remote controlled rope climbing robot?

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  1. Seems to me you could go the easy route and just have some kind of robot attached to two motorized wheels that can grip the rope and "climb" up it by rolling. The harder route would be to make a set of two grippers so that each one leapfrogs the other one while the stationary one is gripping the rope.  

  2. Certainly possible, but a lot easier to make a small machine with toothed wheels that would clamp to the rope. There may even be something like that available already built.


  3. The key to most engineering problems come down to time and money.

    Yes it is possible, but I don't have the time to design it for you.

    If you have specific question on how to over come a problem with part of your design then you may get more help.

  4. Certaily it could be built.

    The way to make the thing climb would be to use a mecchanical gripping device. two of them.  essentially each locks around the rope to be climbed.  One placed above the other on the rope.  Each on moveable mechanical arms.   With the bottom one locked tightly around the rope, the top one lossens a bit and moves upward along the rope a few inches then lockes tightly around the rope.  Now the bottom grip loosens and moves up a few inches, with the top grip locked and holding the robot in place. And teh sequence just keeps repeating.  These gripping devices could actually be fairly simple electrically controlled clamping devices...

    Good luck!  

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