
Is it possible to build up a store bought guinea pig cage?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting two guinea pigs and one of my friends is giving me a cage. It might be too small for two so I wanted to know if you can build up on a store bought cage.




  1. You don't want to build 'up', because guinea pigs don't climb.  You could add on to it horizontally perhaps.  I would still recommend going to guineapigcages and look up ideas there.

  2. Why not just build your own? C&C cages are cheap and easy to make:

  3. it really depends on the cage. allot of cages comes with special openings made for adding new wings to the cage. if it comes with little openings search for the cages on google and see if any accessories come up. if it doesn't have any opening you can always get wire clippers and make a hole in the side and add wooden boxes and accessories.

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