
Is it possible to change the bindings on a snowboard from goofy to regular?

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I have a K2 that I just bought and It is goofy and I just need to know if it is possible. How much it would cost and how long it would take.




  1. It would take all of about 5 min. Just unscrew the bindings, turn around, and s***w back in. It's simple.

  2. Absolutely...

    Its like wearing your baseball cap backwards..just turn your bindings around make sure your lead foot is towards the  front.... Don't let anyone do this for you, it is incredibly easy and its something you should know how to may take some extra time the first few times but its a piece of cake!!

  3. my bindings are two pieces so you can put them at any angle you want

    so all you would have to do its flip the bindings around and keep the center piece how it was originally

  4. all you need to do is take off the bindings with a screwdriver and flip them so that your left foot is in the front of the board. instead of your right which would be goofy.

  5. I have a K2 also and when I bought it the holes for for the bindings were symetrical for goofy and regular so I don't see why u couldn't switch it ,.

    It coasts about 45$ (about) to instal bindings so u can estimate...

  6. umm. its free, and depending on how much you know (im assuming not much)

    15-30 minutes

    just get a s***w driver and turn em around, simple as that

  7. All you have to do is unscrew the bindings, flip them around the circular plate in the middle, and s***w them back in. It takes 5 minutes

  8. Totally easy to do, and cheap if you get it done somewhere.  A shop at the mountain shouldn't charge more than about $10 to do it.  All you need is a screwdriver to take the bindings off and reattach them.

  9. It's not hard, you can practically do it yourself.

    Just take the board, and flip the bindings on the other side.

    On some boards, you don't even need to flip them.

    Find a cordless drill or a screwdriver, and get the screws out.

    If you don't want to do that, you can go to your local ski resort, and they can fix it at the rental shop. Most of them do it for free.

  10. It is possible with all the boards that I know of.  I don't think you'd want to spend money on something that can easily be done by yourself.  Get yourself a screwdriver, take down the angle measurements of your baseplates (in case they shift) and you might want to mark the location of your bindings with a pen, marker, etc. or just make a small scratch to mark it..  Then simply put the left foot binding on the front mount holes with the toes facing to the right side of the board and s***w in.  Same thing for your right foot.  Put it on the back mount holes facing the right side and s***w it in.  Double check that everything is angled correctly and all screws are mounted.  

    Honestly takes like less than ten minutes once you get used to it.  Maybe twenty or so the first couple times.  It's essential knowledge if you want to really get into snowboarding.

    However, if you're really unsure, you could always take it to the shop and pay for it.  You could ask to watch them do it too so you could learn how to do it yourself.

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