
Is it possible to change who you are ?

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Can we possibly change the very person we are,for instance say you are one of those nice people who finds themselves always being walked over while more self centred people appear to suceed,can you actuallly become one of those type of people if you really want to or are you stuck being who you are ??




  1. You can most certainly change who you are if that is who you want to be and you feel comfortable with it. Changing who you are is a matter of choice. The best advice I can give you is be who you want to be and what makes you feel most comfortable.  

  2. Being stuck is the triumph of hope over experience.

    Repeating the same errors over and over is the person who is condemned to repeat history because he/ she does not learn from it.

    A gradual development of persona is what most people experience, and, if they learn a lot, they tend to change a lot.

    Many get caught up in the constant repetition of behaviours that long ago outlived their usefulness - unfortunately.

    It is more than possible to change, and may well be a very desirable human trait.

    The capacity for desirable change has absolutely nothing to do with self centred behaviour - it has all to do with the common human ability to develop as a person.

  3. Yes you can change, if you so choose.  Some would say that you can do it yourself, but I don't believe that's always the case.  You might need an outsider or loved one.  But what's most important is your willingness to change.  If you really want to change for some reason, and you are willing to change and become something different from what you are now, then you can.  Many people feel they can't, but they don't realize that people change nearly constantly, it's just you don't realize it right away because it can take a long time.

  4. Well,of course u can if u really want to succeed that's it!Change for the better is really good so why not try it.

  5. In my opinion, perhaps ones is able to change his/hers attitudes but not his/hers personality.

  6. A leopard never changes his spots,but he can climb a different tree once and a while...

    To quote Sting "be yourself no matter what they say"

  7. It depends what you really want. You can be nice and stand up for yourself although that takes a bit of practise. It depends on what you think of as success. I would rather be nice and live with myself than get what I want and be horrible. I haven't that much but on the other hand I have a lot of what counts to me personally. I can live with myself and that is what counts and that is success to me!

  8. of course you can change

    but you have to change yourself

    life it self and experiences wont change you without your own efforts

    cs lewis said

    Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.


    Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.

    after reading some of his books are what helped me finally learn how to change and how to know i wasn't being my self

  9. Yes! I have changed - I was pretty brainwashed into being a wimp. Now I don't give any sh88 and don't take any.

    Not changed into a warrior brute - just someone who can challenge the assumptions being made and walk away whenever I feel like it.

    That has been the hardest learning - that it is o.k for me to choose my experiences.  

    I really do believe assertiveness is juts a matter of being fair to yourself - putting yourself into the social  equation equally and not feeling responsible for everyones else or making them responsible for you self.  

  10. I had to laugh at your question because you have obviously been used a bit in life, yet you have asked in an almost resigned fashion. You know to yourself you can never be that selfish, self centred type who walks over people.

    I think really you should focus on being more yourself and less what others have made you or want to make you, then develop a few defensive communication skills, ie. in observing as well as outputting information, in order to prevent yourself from being in a situation where you can be affected by such types again.

  11. If you want something bad enough, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to become that person you aspire to. Although there's always the danger that you'll go back to the way you were before. It depends how badly you want it, I suppose.

    If you stick at it, you'll get accustomed to it and it'll become normal to you.

  12. if i was married to a person whom i l0ve i would change

  13. Yes. People change. Some for bad, others for good. In the end though, they'll eventually learn & realize what they want and who they are. That's just a part of life for everyone. You change & you learn to find out who you are.

  14. It's vey very very possible to change who you are...

  15. Here's your choice of words "self centered people appear to succeed" Your key word there is appear. They appear to succeed. I know h you feel. I wish many times i could be more like them. Even though i worked hard then them and advanced slower then them. I watch them closely enough to notices that each and every one of them i had something they didn't. It did care what it was. Some was so miserable that they had to act like they were better than everyone else just to get through the day. Its possible to change how people see you but it's not possible to change who you every are. If you're not self-centered then you never will be unless you become rich.. LOL Money changes people. there you go that's the only way you can change. But My advice to you don't change who you are just because someone else is jerk and have better stuff then you. You could get even better stuff if you wanted.

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