
Is it possible to charge the man who knocked up Palin's daughter with statutory rape?

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Is it possible to charge the man who knocked up Palin's daughter with statutory rape?




  1. Umm libstick i thought abstinance was the Christian thing to do.  And I guess the child was conceived outside any marriage, so technically thats a b*****d.  

  2. No the Age of consent in Alaska is 16

  3. NO.

    He didn't rape no statue.

  4. You are a disgusting person.  You make me want to vomit. I guess your family is perfect?  

  5. No, besides, he was there beside her, and is going to Marry her.  You democrats can not fathom marriage, but that is a Union between a man and a woman.  That is what my parents did, and they managed to raise 5 healthy children and stayed Married until death do them apart.  Imagine that, a young role model that the youth can see taking responsibility for their actions, instead of opting for the easy fix and shirking their duty.

    Edit: Babs you are correct technically that is a b*****d.  Just like Obama, he was concieved outside of wedlock also.

  6. No, The Palin family, does not want to go down that route, in most states there has to be a 3 year spread between a minor and an adult.

  7. Yes, Barrack Obama would be a great place to start.

    But Bristol's bf is high school age.  He's probably tougher than most YA Libs too since he plays hockey.

    YA Libs pick on teen girls and hide behind their screens.  No wonder of Military has few Libs willing to protect their parents and kids

  8. Yes, if she became pregnant while she was sixteen.

    As Levi is eighteen it gets fairly technical and relates to what kind of laws they have there.

    So maybe not in Alaska, but maybe yes in some other state.

    This has nothing to do with being disgusting, or being perfect, its got to do with legal statutes, and how children are protected.

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