
Is it possible to cheat on someone you love and who is a good person, and not feel bad about it?

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It doesn't seem like my ex feels bad about breaking my heart, even though he said I am the best person he has ever known and that he loves me more than he ever loved anyone. Then he didn't contact me at all for 2 months and only made a feeble attempt to apologize after that. I loved him with all my heart and never expected he was lying to me. We were together for 15 years and I thought we would be together forever. I don't feel like I will ever be whole.




  1. They are all pigs who tell lies!!!   Don't get caught up in his mess - take care of you!

  2. You will feel better soon, time will heal, it could take a while but thats okay.

    The reason people cheat is not because they don't feel love for someone, its because the person they are with isnt giving them everything they need....or that they are greedy, and know that they can get whatever they want. I often think about other guys, I am with a great boyfriend, but there is a difference about Thinking about it AND actually doing it. 15 years is a really long time and you would think that after that long he would feel some guilt about doing that to you, even if he didnt love you in the way you loved him...which was a large amount.  

  3. Please let him go.  Cry, rant, exercise or what ever till you're past the pain.  Maybe he is unable to love, because has no love or respect for himself.  If he was cheating he has low self esteem and was trying to bolster his male ego.  You will be whole again.  Turn to your church or a counselor to see you over the grief of the break up.  Then wait for a new healthy relationship to happen.  Keep taking him back and you'll keep hurting and never be whole. After all he having his cake and eating it too.  Why should he stop?  And, one of his conquest could give the two of you a S.D.T.  Do you know if he was using condoms?  Has he been tested? Have you?  Life is no longer simple. Pregnancy is the least there is to worry about now a days.  

  4. move on no guy should treat a girl like that and now girl should be treated that way. no matter how good looking he might even be theres always a better guy out there. :)

  5. I really don't think he loves you with all his heart.  People that truly love you don't behave that way.  Either that, or he doesn't have a conscience.

  6. I know what you feel like! But the only way it is possible for him to feel no guilt over it is if he has no heart. Maybe though, he doesn't apologize because he DOES feel guilty. I know that hardly makes sense, but recently I said something terrible to someone I love very much and I DID apologize, but I didn't want to because I didn't feel that I deserved to be forgiven, and I was afraid, that as a result of the apology I WOULD be forgiven and I felt that was unfair

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