
Is it possible to claim back unfair overdraft fees

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Money goes into my account each week for four weeks, and technically I have enough in there to be comfortable if not for the fact that I've gone over the overdrawn limit and its like my bank wants to keep me there by taking money out.

In short if they stopped taking £30 out every time I went overdrawn then I wouldn't be overdrawn by them in the first place - if that makes sense.

This has gone on for some time now and I've heard its possible to be reimbursed. How do I go about this?

Many thanks for your answers.




  1. Despite what bubble the boy wonder said you won't get your fees back. Hey guess what here is an idea. STOP TAKING OUT MORE MONEY THAN YOU HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anything these banks should throw you SOB's in prison for taking money that isn't yours and then complaining the bank is charging you for using their money.  

  2. I work in Barclays so from experience the best way is to write a STINKIN complaint letter to them arguing the fact you would not be overdrawn if they stoped charging you, and how dissatisfied you are with their service, Also put in there if you are dissatisfied with theire resolution or if they dont refund or stop charghing then put you wil go to the financial Ombusdman which is higher up than any bank and banks dotn like tht"

  3. i dunno if u can regain lost finances. u'll hafta talk 2 a good lawyer about that. i once had a checking acct where i was b'n drafted every MID of the mo by teleservice when clearly there was NO $$$ there B4 the 1'st. I was B'n charged 4 old chex from about 2-3 mos back & so fianally, the bank steppt in &closed my acct & they're helping 2 educ8 me on things i needs know. teleservice would send a request 4 their fees & the $$$ just wasn't there, so my branch manager helped me, along w/ a frienda mine @ the bank who worx there & she educ8ed me on how 2 do things better. NOW I'd been doing BETTER w/ my banking & learned that the ATM's r not really accur8 as i once thought. we closed my ATM card 4 me til i get the hang of things & keep it steady & then 1 day next yr if all goes well, i'll get 2 open a new checking acct IF I can keep things up as I was taught. i hope all goes well w/ U. going against a comp isn't really EZ tho. yer an individual, & they're bigger than us. only a lawyer can help in yer endeavor 2 regain lost $$$. i sure do wish u the best in bringing yer situation 2 a happy ending.

    God Bless U!!!

  4. I always enjoy someone complaining about unfair overdraft fees.  It's always the bank's fault.

    You need to take some responsibility for your own behavior.  Start keeping better records of what you have in the bank.  If you don't have enough in the bank to cover the direct debits, you need to figure out how to come up with more money or cut back on your expenses.  If you can't do that, then sign up for overdraft protection with your bank.

    By the way, I've checking accounts since the mid 60s and have NEVER paid an overdraft fee.   Ya think the banks are just more scrupulous for me??

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