
Is it possible to clean my urine from weed in 4 days ?

by  |  earlier

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if i take 2 herbal clean drinks and drink lots of cranberry juice with cranberry pills and colon cleaner




  1. Drink a half gallon of apple cider just prior to taking the test and then take a good p**s before the test.

  2. I think it takes 3 - 4 weeks at least dude... you could try

    and even then, it's determinable up to a YEAR by other methods such as your hair

    (i know, i was bummed too :P )

  3. No. You can "cheat" drug tests though by buying fake urine. That would probably be your best bet, unless your on parole and being drug tested by a court, then your SOL.

  4. Sorry dude,but the Urinalysis Test is slowly becoming a thing of the past. More and more clinics are using your hair(they get to pluck it with the root attached) to see what drugs you've been doing for the last ten years.

  5. No ... it takes about 30days to clear, and you can't speed it up. And you can't mask it, and the synthetic urine can be detected.

    And the "drink 3 gallons of water a day" suggestion may kill you, which makes the problem go away in a very permanent fashion.  

  6. You can buy synthetic urine. If you are not being watched, you add this stuff to it that comes with it, and it warms it up to body temp.

  7. No. That's the flat-out honest answer. Some friends of mine got in trouble a while ago and tried all sorts of "solutions". They each used a different method, and not one actually worked. They tried eye drops added to your urine, drinking nothing but Sunny D for 24 hours prior, drinking only Cranberry juice for the 48 hours prior, adding bleach to the urine, adding Advil to the urine, adding vitamins to the urine, drinking only milk preceding the test... Even bought these $150 drinks from a "specialty smoke shop" and even they couldn't mask it.

    Your only chance is to drink a lot of water, and that will food a CHEAP test, because it dilutes the THC. Don't drink all the sugary stuff, stick to water. That's your one and only hope, right there. My friend's dad found some sort of at-home test, and this fooled them.

    Good luck, my friend, you need it.

  8. about 3 or weeks if you dont want to wait you can get a detox drink called Q-Carbo you drink it with alot of water and it keeps you clean for up to 3hrs just make sure you take the drug test before 3hrs of taking this drink,it really works i had a drug test for a job and i smoked that same day i thought whats the use of taking this test,then someone told me about that drink so i went to the smokeshop bought it for about $25 and pass and whats good about it,if it ends up not working for some reason you get a full refund i never had a problem with this drink i used it 3times,good luck

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