
Is it possible to climb the Eiffel Tower from the outside without special gear?

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I have a homemade sign that I would like the whole city of Paris to see. It's about love!




  1. Yes you will have to use special gear.  You can get tickets to go up the Eiffel Tower and look out than the whole paris will see the sign.  I went up the Eiffel Tower in 6th grade for a field trip and we got tickets and went all the way to the top!

  2. I dont think so.

  3. Yes you'll need special gear let alone special permission to do anything unique as a sign on the EI.  Love is always nice to share with the world and in all places- Paris.  Awesome idea.  A bientot!!

  4. Lots of poeple want to post signs on the Tour Eiffel, its the ultimate French advertising!

    But it is difficult and illegal

    (also if you can carry it  then the banner is very small and will not be visible from 150, 200 or 300m high)

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