
Is it possible to commit suicide by overdosing on tylenol?

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I thought you couldn't but that Bruce Edwards Ivins (the scientist behind the 2001 anthrax attacks) bloke apparently killed himself with tylenol?




  1. Then yes, it's possible.

  2. Yes, but you have to take a lot of it. Acetaminophen or any drug for that matter has to be broken down in the liver. Too much of a drug will destroy the liver.

  3. Yes, it's possible, but the death is not quick or painless. I do think Mr. Evans' overdose was with Tylenol with codeine, the latter being the agent responsible for his death.

  4. i guess so. if you can die from an od on laxatives and asprin, im sure you can from tylenol

  5. Yes it is. Acute Tylenol overdose probably kills more people each year than any other drug. High levels of acetiminophen the main ingredient in Tylenol will cause liver failure and death. I work as a nurse in an emergency room and in 5 years in the ER have seen more deaths from Tylenol than any other prescription or street drug. The really sad part is that liver failure can take several days to kill you sometimes, and there is nothing that can be done to reverse it. So the person is alive and regrets taking the overdose but has to face the reality that they are going to die in a matter of days and nothing can be done.

  6. as with anything, it depends on how much you take. You take enough of it and yes anything could be deadly  

  7. Any drug you take too much of will kill you. That is why it's called a drug.

    Why didn't Dr. Ivans use anthrax?? I'm sure he had that in his medicine cabinet, too. wink wink

  8. Y so serious?

  9. Too much of anything will kill you. Euthanizing pets is giving them an overdose of anesthetic, so yes, painkillers in excess will definitely kill you .

  10. you can od on anything to the point of death.  Yes.

  11. yes, tylenol is broken down in the liver, if you take too much your liver is poisoned and stops working.  anything over 4 grams a day is considered to be toxic.  when your liver shuts down your other organs start shutting down too...and then you die.

  12. Yeah, I know a girl who almost died from a tylenol overdose.

  13. The guy was a research scientist.

    I'd guess he used something in combination.

    They rarely give the whole story, and that sort of info is

    not disseminated lightly.

  14. Wow - really!  Funny - Bruce Edwards might have killed a couple people with that Anthrax.  Bush has killed perhaps a million people with his religious arrogance and bombs - but the FBI won't go to Bush's house and arrest him.

    Yes - Tylenol eats up your liver something fierce.  Not sure what the deadly overdose amount would be - but Bruce Edwards being a scientist probably knew all too well.

  15. Overdosing on anything even water can kill you. Tylenol is a drug, and oding on drugs can be very dangerous. just like oding on any other kinda dugs.

  16. Yes because the main ingredient is acetaminophen, anything with it in the substance CAN kill you depending on how high of a dose you take

  17. i guess it is but i've heard that ppl who tried to overdose on tynenol ended up in the hospital b/c of brain damage and other reprecussions.

  18. if Bruce Edwards did than obviously its possible

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