
Is it possible to completely change your academic skills?

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from mediocre, to a complete success. What i mean is, im 16 and going to college soon, going from average at academic work to a very high standard like all straigh B's. can you give me advice how to do this. my chosen subjects for september i presume i wil be doing are

german Predicted B



maths -predicted B

and all other subjects are C




  1. Yes, and you know the answer; more study and less tv.

    A German pen friend will help - especilly one who will write in German rather than English.

    Also read through all you work before pressing the 'submit' buttton or you may get a 'straigh B'

    Hope you do well

  2. I would imagine that it is possible to completely change your study habits, but it is hard to do.  Lots of people attempt grand changes all at once (quitting smoking, losing weight, exercising daily, etc), but then lose steam/motivation after a week or two or become too overwhelmed.

    It would be easier to figure out what you are weakest on and plan  goals that are more attainable.  For example, if you are a procrastinator, one of your goals could be to write out and plan large projects and then follow through with it.  Or, if you tend to forget about projects, you could start with using a planner daily.  

    If you make SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely), you are more likely to find success.

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