
Is it possible to conceive right before you start your period?

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I've had a normal period, then right after finishing, I've been feeling symptoms of being pregnant for about 2 weeks, especially now, like nauseous, always hungry, constipation (TMI!), and today I couldn't stand or walk for long periods of time because my body was just so tired.

Is it possible I conceived before my period, then have it as normal as ever?




  1. yes it is possible. a woman can conceive at any time during her menstrual cycle.  I suggest going to your doctor/ GYNO or take a home pregnancy test if you can't get to a Dr.  

  2. Nope, not at all.

  3. I don't mean to upset you or excite you (Don't know if you want to be Pregnant) But, with my first child, I was Pregnant and still had a complete normal period, right after finding out I was Pregnant. I know It's said you wont, and that if you are pregnant and bleed like that then it could be something wrong, but I did that and have a perfectly healthy (almost 4 year old) little girl. Don't know if that really helps you or not, but there it is :) Wait a little bit, take a test and if you are, get to a doctor just to make sure everything is ok.

    Best of Luck:)

  4. if you had your normal period then surely you r not pregnant, but if you didnot have a sufficiently normal period, chances r that you might be pregrant. have a test done or visit a gyno.

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