
Is it possible to confuse a computer?

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Is it possible to confuse a computer?




  1. I think so if you open to mean things at one time it will freeze up

  2. anything is possible

  3. yes

  4. Sure, that's how computer manufacturers stay in business.  New software, old hard drive...

  5. yes if you tell it to do too many things at one time

  6. It will be coming back on you and you will be  confused

  7. Everyone blames the d**n computer for their problems.

    The computer just does what it's told to do.

    It's user error or program error.

  8. Yes. You just pull out the plug. It may never recover:

  9. lets see shall we....

    First of all we need to define the word confuse.

    here are 5 key definitions of the verb - to confuse:


    # mistake one thing for another; "you are confusing me with the other candidate"; "I mistook her for the secretary"

    # be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly; "These questions confuse even the experts"; "This question completely threw me"; "This question befuddled even the teacher"

    # cause to feel embarrassment; "The constant attention of the young man confused her"

    # jumble: assemble without order or sense; "She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence"

    # make unclear, indistinct, or blurred; "Her remarks confused the debate"; "Their words obnubilate their intentions"


    In the form of a Football match between Confuse village and Sanity town.


    0- Kick off


    10- 10 minutes into the match and confuse village has a shot on goal.

    the first one,  to mistake one thing for another, is possible through renaming a file type. If you rename a  Microsoft Word Document from

    "Example.doc" to

    "Example.confuse" or any other file type, the computer will not be able to understand the file, dispite the file being exactly the same as it was before. In a way, this is mistaking one thing for another, just.

    Confuse Village 1:0 Sanity Town


    16 minutes - Confuse Village break through the defence once again, and have a clear shot on goal. the second point, "be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly" is possible with a caculator - if you ask it to divide by zero, it goes "Math Error" in a way you are confusing the caculator.

    Confuse Village 2:0 Sanity Town


    17 minutes - Sanity Town shoot from the half-way line on the pitch, a crazy shot... The third point, " cause to feel embarrassment; "- you cant embarrass a non-living entity, and therefore, its a goal for Sanity Town, will they make a comeback?

    Confuse Village 2:1 Sanity Town


    45 minutes: Half time


    67 minutes: After a Horrendous tackle by Sanity Town, Confuse Village have free kick in a great postion, but can they bend it like ego-monkey? The fourth point, "assemble without order or sense" is automatically proved by the use of a "Defragment program" as you can clearly see the assembly within the hard drive, and it often has no order or sence. Its a goal!!!!

    Confuse Village 3:1 Sanity Town


    87 minutes: its the last hurdle, there is no way that sanity town can win now, but can they hold onto their pride as Confuse village passes it to David Ego-monkey, can he score again?

    The final point is make "to make unclear, indistinct, or blurred;" and all i have to do with this one is go to the microsoft help files, all of which can be descriped with the three above words.

    ... and Ego - Monkey trips over his head, and the ball rolls into the back of the net just on the final whisle, with the final score being

    Confuse Village 4:1 Sanity Town

    and almost as big a loss as the time England beat Germany back in 02.


    im suprised, and obviously this is parody, but due to the english dictionary's use of the word, you can infact, "confuse" a computer.

  10. yeah, i see it happen lol

  11. of course...

    if i write an endless loop in my program....

  12. Yes, I often have that Vista look on my face

  13. I think mine swore at me once, so I would say yes.  

  14. maybe.

  15. sure you can, just change the date, or log in with different IP. or easiest way but you will be suffering infect it with virus :D ( not recommended )

    still human brain smarter than computers.

  16. Yeah, tell it to play "Tic-Tac-Toe" against itself to try to win.  (War Games Movie) :-P

  17. yes

    if ram is small

    and you give big task

  18. I think so.  Well, at the very least, I can make mine go into a temporary case of stupid and it just sits there thinking,.....and thinking.....and then when it decides to quit thinking, sometimes it will just start doing things.  And it's ok then.

    Other times, I have to say words over it and burn incense while clutching it by the throat.  Then it works ok again.

  19. My computer gets confused just by me logging in! lol

  20. i dont know, but i know for sure mine likes to confuse me, i want payback, or throw it out the window

  21. Happens ALL the time.  I am very smart, the computer is dumb as dirt.  

  22. I do this often.  Well not often, but every time I depart and use my Laptop.  I keep the last two numbers of my IP the same.... and my PC freaks out.  He send messages like "hey, there's a conflict with a user having the same IP.  Then I'm like "hey it's me, Matteo".   Minutes pass and all settles down.  

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