
Is it possible to connect non-emergency and emergency lights in one circuit so that they share a switch?

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Is it possible to connect non-emergency and emergency lights in one circuit so that they share a switch?




  1. This is more a legal question than an engineering/technical question.

    Usually emergency lighting should NOT be switched off.  It should be operational regardless of the regular lighting.  This is so that it can not be switched off by someone that doesn't know better.  Also, since most emergency lighting has batteries, this keeps the batteries topped off.

    This may vary by jurisdiction so its always best to call your local building codes department.

  2. I'm afraid not. the fact is emergency light will turn on if any power failure occured. if you connect the emergency light in parallel with the non emergency light, try to imagine this, how if you want to disconnect the non-emergency light (turn off the light) by purpose. the emergency light will turn on. so you will never have your room dark forever.... just if my understanding of your emergency light is correct. :)

  3. There are two types of emergency lighting:

    Maintained Emergency Luminaire

    A luminaire containing one or more lamps, all of which operate from the normal supply or from the emergency supply at all material times.

    Non-Maintained Emergency Luminaire

    A luminaire containing one or more lamps, which operate from the emergency supply only upon failure of the normal mains supply.

    Building codes will determine which type is required and what switching arrangements are needed.

    Yes it is possible to combine the switching of the normal and emergency lighting, but you need to be guided by the regulations to be safe and legal.

  4. It is possible, if you use a double-pole switch.  A double pole switch has just one switch, but two seperate circuits.  So, yes, it is possible.

    On the other hand, you'd have to check local electric code to see if it is legal!

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