
Is it possible to connect with a loved one who has passed away?

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My Dad passed away alone because he told me he was going to be traveling at that time. I feel awful about this. Is there a way to contact him or to know if he is near? I miss him so much it is breaking my heart.




  1. Your best time to hear from him will be when you are asleep. I lost my father and brother within a year's time. About 2 months after their death, my father came to me in the most vivid dream . He looked so well and healthy and I asked how he could be here since he had died. He said he could be anywhere he wanted now. I told him I wanted him to stay, and he said" Hadn't you better be going on?" and he pointed to a road. I realized what he meant.

    Shortly after that he appeared the same way to my sister, but he said" I will be with you in Springfield". She couldn't imagine what this meant because we live in Oklahoma. A month later, her pregnant daughter's doctor told my sister she should have her daughter taken immediately to a hospital in Springfield Missouri for care, as she was allergic to her baby. The 4 pound little boy was fine and born in Springfield. My my niece survived too barely.

    My brother came to me in a dream in which I could see the flecks of color in his eyes! I never dreamed anything that detailed before. He told me he was fine and not to worry about him.

    I am sorry you lost your dad, but he isn't really gone, just waiting for you and enjoying himself. You will feel when he is near you after your grief is less intense.

    God bless.

  2. are u crazzy


    make that a h**l no

  3. l don't know if l believe in the supernatural world of crossing over. but there are people who have had their own experiences. maybe there is an avenue you can explore. just be careful not to get conned.  its a very personal situation and needs to be dealt with carefully.

    if you are religious, maybe pray about it.

    also speak to family/confidant to get closure on the matter.

    it seems you are feeling guilty that he passed away and you need to reslove or forgive any feelings you may have on the matter.

    then maybe proceed from there.

    good luck and all the best

  4. Honey, if anyone tells you that there's a leary if they ask for money. It's most likely a scam. I truly believe that if someone has a gift to speak to the dead, they wont charge you.

  5. No honey. The death of a loved one is a terrible pain, I know because I lost my 6 year old nephew in May. It leaves you with this aching emptiness. But there's nothing you can do but remember the good memories you had with him.

    Love, Ashley

  6. no

  7. Contact a research, though. Don't just walk into a psychic

  8. meditation, Spirit Board, Medium etc

  9. Yes.  Ask your spirit guide to help you.  You don't need a go-through for this.

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