
Is it possible to construct a gun out of parts?

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Is it possible to make a gun out of individual parts sold online or in a gun store? If so, what are the laws on constructing a gun out of parts? Thanks!




  1. If there's a will, there's a way.

    It won't be easy, but yes it's possible.

  2. Yeah it is possible. The only part that you cannot order online without transferring it through an FFL dealer is the receiver. You could, however, build your own receiver. This is perfectly legal and a great hobby as long as you are building a firearm that would normally be legal for you to own. Obviously you cannot legally build a fully automatic machine, but semi-auto AK-47s are a common build for beginners.

    This website teaches you how to build an AK-47 receiver and you can find the rest of the parts online easily by searching for AK-47 parts kits.

  3. One part of the gun, the receiver, is considered to BE

    the gun by the 'Fed'.s.

    It cannot be sold to you without all the licensing rigamarole

    attendant on purchasing the whole gun.

    (They though of it long before you did).

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