
Is it possible to contract STD's through oral s*x?

by Guest34101  |  earlier

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I know this sounds like a stupid question, but I'm really not well versed in it, we don't have s*x-ed in my middle school so i don't really know. I'm the paranoid type and this past weekend I did somethings with an older guy that's been around the block a few times. Now he used a condom, but I performed oral s*x and well yeah, can I catch something that way? What are the risks? I'm scared to say I need to go to the doctor because my mom would flip if she new I was doing things. Or let alone that her son was g*y.

Anyways, any help would be appreciated.




  1. ya u can get stds, how much older is this guy? becafel if hes like realy old

  2. yes its possible. but with your high risk behavior you should know that it could happen. its your choice. jsut make sure that you are ready for the consequnces.

    i mean as a g*y guy, i can have all the s*x that i want. and if either my own private idaho, comes knocking, well im ready.  

  3. That was certainly a good argument 4 sx-ed in middle school ! CERTAINLY U CAN !! ANY & ALL STD's can B got thru oral sx !!!

  4. Yes it is possible to contract some STD's through oral s*x. Use of a condom in this situation (providing or receiving oral s*x) significantly reduces that possibility...provided it is used properly and timely.

    You should read about various factors regarding g*y s*x, including avoiding disease and safe techniques. I have included several URL's below to help...Disregard any comments regarding the appropriateness of your sexual orientation - that's for you to decide.

    Be smart, don't take chances as you explore your sexuality.

    You should be aware: if you are under 16 any older male having sexual relations with you is legally defined as a pedophile regardless of your willingness.

    You should also be aware, that your experience(s) do not "make" you g*y ... as it is normal to be curious and to seek pleasure. However, society generally does not approve and you should consider that later you may prefer heterosexual relationships. Regardless, do take care to protect your health.

  5. Yes, yes, and yes! Great job with the condom, but even then, herpes can still be spread sometimes, and trust me, you do not want herpes. As long as you didn't ingest anything, you should be at less risk than you wouyld be normally, but you can still contract something. Chances are you're fine, but you should go to the doctor anyway and privately request that he or she examine you for any diseases.

  6. yes i think you can get warts and other **** but the condom was safer you should check out web md or like a std info site or look up std's on i'm sure they'll tell you more info and correct info at that  

  7. u should go to a doctor

  8. Yes you can catch them. You should always be careful whenever you have s*x..

  9. I hope this guy is not too older or over 18...don't do this kind of stuff...but to answer your question if he had a condom, then most likely not...Just be careful and if you keep doing this, use condoms...and try not to be with a lot of people...I only had one experience with one of my close friends and we were both the same age...but I knew we were safe because it was our first time...Take care

  10. It is unlikely but possible.

  11. That's a really important question and not stupid at all. If you performed oral on him while he was wearing a condom that's a safe method and a good way to avoid STDs, but no type of protection can protect you from STDs 100%. There are a number of different STDs that can be transmitted in different ways. Basically if your partner has an STD and the two of you exchanged any bodily fluids it is possible to get some kind of STD. To be more specific, If your partner has an STD how he could pass it on to you depends on what STD he has. If you are worried I would do some research and find out if there are any clinics in the area that would be confidential and could test you for STDs (hopefully for free). Many STDs can be treated very effectively if caught early. Hope that helps and Good luck :-)

  12. noway bro where do you live lets do this

  13. yes and I did, I got gonorrhea that way and I can tell you it is not nice.  

  14. Absolutely yes, many STDs, including the HIV virus, be be contracted orally.

    I know you're young, and although I am strongly against you being so active at such a young age, it is your choice.  Just please, s*x is an adult thing - so make adult decisions about who you're sexually active with!  If this guy is older, depending on by how much, when he did may have been illegal.  To top it off, you are concerned about him being clean!  I respect your choice to be active sexually, but you've gotta start being selective in who you're with.

    Bottom line, if you learn now to be safe, and practice safe s*x with only the right partners, you will have a long and healthy s*x life ahead of you.  If not, you may end up with a disease which could prevent you from having wonderful romantic opportunities in the later future.

  15. Yes! STDs can be transferred through oral s*x! Specific and common ones are HPV (warts) and herpes! Practice safe oral s*x with: Condoms should be worn for males and Dental Dams for females!

  16. Low but potential risks:

        * if the person performing oral s*x has cuts or sores around or in their mouth or throat;

        * if the person receiving oral s*x ejaculates in the mouth of the person performing oral s*x; or

        * if the person receiving oral s*x has another sexually transmitted disease (STD).

    Good on you for using protection! Latex is best, or if your partner discovers they are allergic, you can try polyurethane condoms. If you decide to have oral s*x anally, a latex sheet or dental dam, even plastic wrap, is a good method of protection.

    Happy love making

  17. With a condom you are safe, but otherwise you are just as much at risk.

  18. that lip thing

  19. I think it is possible when there is laceration in your cells. STD is usually transmitted through blood transfusion or by needle, etc. You can also search through website some info about it if you want to make sure.

  20. yes, you can.

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